If you have difficulty with overeating, you may wonder whethercognitive behavioral therapy(CBT)可以帮助你停止问题行为和食物成瘾。这个例子把你放在一个虚构的人的位置,他有一些特征和情况,经常出现在来接受治疗的人身上食物成瘾. 这可以告诉你CBT中发生了什么,以及它如何帮助人们停止暴饮暴食。
Overeating and Binge Eating Behaviors
You are a binge eater who binges on candy, cookies, and chocolate several times a day. Your暴饮暴食从孩提时代就开始了,那时你会在晚上偷偷吃糖果。你把你的暴饮暴食描述为情绪化的进食,因为你在感到不安的时候进食。
Your cognitive-behavioral therapist guides you in recording the thoughts and feelings you experience before, during and after bingeing on sweet food. By analyzing the thoughts and feelings you have around food, you and your therapist come to understand that you are emotional eating and possibly even binge eating in response to negative emotions due to faulty thinking (cognitive distortions).
As your weight has increased, your self-esteem has worsened. Many times a day, you would interpret small chance occurrences as reasons to feel bad about yourself. Once you start keeping track of your thought processes, you realize how often this is happening.
For example, if someone pushed in front of you in line, you would feel that this must mean you are a worthless person, and you would immediately buy a bar of chocolate to eat and make yourself feel better. One day, a colleague didn't respond when you said "Good morning," and you reasoned this was because your colleague disliked you.
At your first opportunity, you made an excuse to slip out and buy a pack of cookies and ate the whole pack. Your performance review at work was rated "good," and you thought that anything less than "excellent" meant you were terrible at your job, so you spent the evening eating cake and ice cream.
Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Treat Food Addiction
与你的治疗师一起,你学会了挑战错误思维的方法,也学会了处理消极情绪的其他应对策略。一起,你计划一个不同的方法来处理失望。通过练习,你能够更真实地解释人们的反应,这样你就不会经常感到不充分。你还练习methods for improving your self-esteem. As your self-esteem improves, you became more able to refrain from snacking and bingeing and began to eat more nutritious food.