If you were abused or not properly cared for as a child, and you now struggle withovereating, you are not alone. Many others who suffered from childhood abuse and neglect have gone on to develop Binge Eating Disorder (BED), a problem with over-eating commonly known as a type offood addiction, in adulthood. Feeling and saying, "I hate my body" is extremely common, especially for people who were abused in childhood.
If you suffered from childhood abuse, and you struggle with over-eating, you may have developed overly negative feelings about yourself, also known as low self-esteem. Problems with low self-esteem are particularly common among people who were emotionally abused as children. It can be hard to believe this, as so many people put on a brave face to the world, but low self-esteem can take its toll on people from all walks of life. Low self-esteem affects many people, whether or not they were abused, and sometimes leads to or is made worse by overeating or otheraddictive behavior。
In fact, low self-esteem is such a common problem that almost any counselor you see will be able to help you to overcome these negative feelings about yourself. Often, low self-esteem is based on an unrealistic view of yourself, especially if you were abused or mistreated as a child. Counseling, whether it is specialist counseling for overeating or addiction or regular counseling with a general counselor or psychologist, can help you see yourself in a more realistic light, so you can come to appreciate things that make you feel good about yourself.
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It is not unusual for people, particularly women, to feel dissatisfied with their bodies these days. Many blame the fashion and diet industries for promoting unrealistic ideals of what people should look like. Even models are unable to live up to these impossible standards, needing designer clothing, excessive makeup, and clever camera and airbrushing techniques to achieve the fantasy of perfection we see in magazines.
As with low self-esteem, body dissatisfaction is a problem that counselors and psychologists face with their clients on a daily basis, so reaching out for help will be met with understanding and support. Because your poor image of your body is based on unrealistic standards, a counselor or psychologist can help you recognize your own unique beauty, that is based on who you really are, not on clever tricks, make-up, or a perfectly proportioned or skinnier body.
Taking on the Voice of Your Abuser
One way of understanding this pattern is that people who were emotionally abused as children experienced harsh criticism from their abuser, which they then turned on themselves, becoming their own harshest critic. This happens whether or not抑郁症状发展,虽然抑郁症状可能会加剧自我批评对消极身体形象的影响。
People who weresexually abused由于他们仍在制定对自己身体的理解时,由于滥用者被虐待而被视为性对象,通常会产生负面的身体形象。
Does Childhood Abuse Cause Binge Eating?
大卫Dunkley博士和他的同事,who carried out a study with 170 overweight adults who wanted help with binge eating, and whose problems were not otherwise explained by a significant physical or mental disorder, showed the mechanism by which the link between childhood abuse and body dissatisfaction is facilitated by self-criticism.