Mentally Strong Person of the Week: Ally Brooke




In the “Mentally Strong Person of the Week” series, I’ll share wisdom from some of my favorite guests on my podcast, “Mentally Strong People。“我将解释他们用来保持精神强壮的策略,然后为您提供(作为治疗师),您如何将这些策略应用于您自己的生活。

Ally Brooke是一位多金奖屡获殊荣的录音艺术家,以其在第五组和谐中的角色而闻名。该集团于2018年分手,盟友以来一直致力于她以来的高度预期的独奏职业生涯。

She recently wrote a memoir calledFinding Your Harmony在那里,她对一些最痛苦的经历进行了满足,包括几个亲人的死亡以及她职业生涯中的许多高点和低点。她还分享了她的价值观,从她的痛苦中成长,并继续坚持不懈。



— Ally Brooke

Ally shared many valuable mental strength strategies during our conversation on the Mentally Strong People podcast. Here are three of my favorites—and my advice on how you can apply them to your own life.


Ally has turned to therapy to help her deal with life’s inevitable ups and downs—like when she was about to go on her first solo tour but the concerts had to be canceled due to the pandemic and when her mother underwent an operation that could have left her paralyzed. But she’s also used therapy during the good times in her life.

“I really discovered that therapy is such a powerful tool to unlock so much of yourself, to conquer so much of your inner fears and doubts and traumas, and really become stronger. And it's also awesome when you're celebrating something. It's not just for when you're in a crisis or when you're dealt a hard situation.”

My Take

I appreciate the fact that she said you don’t have to wait until you feel terrible or until you’re at your worst to call a therapist. You can go to therapy when life is going well too.

For some people, seeing a therapist during the good times is important because they have trouble being happy when things are going well. They might worry so much that their good fortune won’t continue that they can’t enjoy the moment. Other people sabotage themselves because they feel undeserving of their success. So seeing a therapist during these times could help them sort things out.

If you’re thinking of seeing a therapist even though you’re doing OK, go ahead and do it. You might find it’s easier to learn more about yourself when you’re in a good place. And of course, if you’re struggling to manage your emotions or you’ve hit a rough patch, it is a good idea to see a therapist then as well.

Look beyond yourself when you need a boost in strength.



My Take

情绪, like anxiety, can make difficult things seem impossible. But thinking about how happy or proud other people will feel when you act bravely can make it easier to push through those feelings.

所以下次有什么哟u want to do but you feel afraid, think about the people who care about you. Ask yourself what they would want you to do. Or imagine how they might feel if you act bravely. It could help you draw on some inner strength you never knew existed.



So when the producers of “Dancing With the Stars” invited her to be on the show, she was terrified that she would fail. Her head was filled with negative thoughts, so she called her parents and her friends for encouragement. She needed their help silencing her self-doubt.


Friends said, ‘be fearless. Go for it, girl. This is going to be an incredible opportunity. Don't listen to the haters!’ And then I finally said yes. And it ended up being one of the most amazing times of my life.

— Ally Brooke

My Take



The next time you need a little help drowning out your negative thoughts, tell someone you trust what you’re thinking. That person might be able to offer some words of wisdom that help you believe those thoughts a little less.

To hear more of Ally’s mental strength suggestions, listen to the full episode on my精神强壮的人播客。每周,我将分享另一个精神强壮的人,并解释他们的策略如何帮助您思考,感受,并在生活中做到最好。
