
How he overcomes tough times and stays strong.

Motiffis the mentally strong person of the week.

Verywell / Julie Bang

在“本周精神强壮的人”系列中,我将在我的播客中分享来自我最喜欢的一些客人的智慧,“精神壮大的人." I’ll explain the strategies they use to stay mentally strong and then give you my take (as a therapist) on how you can apply these strategies to your own life.

当谈到音乐时,动机(他的真名是arbare gonzalez)可以做任何事情。他是艺术家,生产者,DJ和歌曲作者。他与像比特犬这样的音乐家一起工作,Marc Anthony,Gloria Estefan和Jennifer Lopez等音乐家。


His home life was complicated too. His mother had to go to work and Motiff and his brother took on a lot of responsibility helping care for their dad.

Motiffdecided not to go to college—a decision his parents weren’t pleased with. But he promised that since he wouldn’t be delivering his parents a college diploma, he’d earn a GRAMMY instead. Thirteen years later he made good on his promise when he earned his first GRAMMY.


为什么不try it? You have been given the gift of waking up in the morning, so why not go and try it?

- 动机

He said the tough times he endured taught him a lot. And he credits much of his success to his ability to stay curious in life.


Always consider yourself a student.

Despite his expertise, Motiff says he is always looking to learn more. No matter what situation he is stepping into or who he is meeting, he wants to learn as much as he can. This keeps him curious and helps him stay inspired about life.



- 动机


Even when you’re sitting in a boring meeting or having dinner with someone you’ve known for a decade, you can learn new things about yourself, other people, and the world around you when you have the right attitude.




But he’s not angry about the things he endured. Instead, he looks at what those challenges taught him about life and he carries those lessons forward.


Coming through on the other end taught me a lot of different things. And those things are always with me.

- 动机


While it’s healthy to acknowledge what you lost or what you missed out on because of the hard times you’ve gone through, it’s also healthy to consider what you gained. Maybe you foundinner strengthyou never knew existed.


这并不意味着你总是必须寻找银色衬里,试图涂抹你的痛苦。但记住你survived tough timesin the past can remind you that you can get through tough times again—and this time, you’ll likely have more skills than you had before.

Surround yourself with stuff you loved as a kid.

Motiffsaid he reminds himself to have fun by surrounding himself with the same things he loved as a kid. He watches cartoons, keeps toys close by, and reminds himself that it’s OK to be silly.


I watch the same cartoons I watched when I was a little kid to stay in that wavelength. I have toys, like Power Ranger helmets and I watch wrestling. I think that’s what keeps that curiosity alive.

- 动机


Doing fun things doesn’t mean you aren’t serious about reaching your goals. In fact, incorporating a little fun and laughter into your day might help you feel better and it might even motivate you to work harder.


To hear more of Motiff's mental strength suggestions, listen to the full episode on my精神壮大的人podcast. Each week, I’ll share another Mentally Strong Person and explain how their strategies can help you think, feel, and do your best in life.

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