4 Ways to Boost Your Resilience for Tough Times


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Even when tragedy strikes, growth is possible. The positive changes that result from a traumatic experience are called后创伤性增长。这些变化可以包括对生活的更深层次的欣赏,一个人自己能力的突如呼的感觉,以及与他人的更强烈的联系。

Whether the struggles you face are traumas or everyday setbacks, being resilient will help you gain greater control over your own path and cultivate positive change. These four strategies can build your resilience reserves.




When all you see is negative, broaden your perspective by asking yourself, “What good has come about as a result of this adversity?”



乐观主义者保持更准确的控制对他们所做的控制。将海军上将詹姆斯·斯托尔的审判视为越南战俘。这Stockdale Paradox, a term coined by author Jim Collins, is the recipe for resilience that combines a harsh and objective assessment of reality (“Being a prisoner of war is awful”) with confidence and faith that drive hope (“This will get better and I can make it better”). Despite being stuck in solitary confinement, Stockdale and his fellow prisoners developed a system of tapping to communicate with one another. Once they could communicate, they could support each other.

现实乐观识别控制点 - 在这种情况下,通信的能力 - 并利用它们。尽管疲惫的情况,恢复力是避免前进的行为。当我们批判性地看待我们可以控制的东西时,我们铺设了自己的道路。


Seek Support

这re are many images in our culture of the self-reliant, lone hero whose personal willpower provides enough strength to withstand any obstacle.

But while personal strength matters a lot, it is ultimately asense of community that enables true resilience。对受到大量困难的儿童研究发现,在提供稳定和支持的生命中有一个成年人的孩子比没有那些没有的孩子更有可能。在安全的关系缓冲区的背景下,对童年创伤的许多潜在负面影响有关和处理一个人的斗争。


Tending to your most important relationships when times are good builds the trust and intimacy that will help those relationships stay strong when adversity hits.

Embrace Challenge and Failure

Failure is hard for many of us to take. We’d rather step back from a challenging situation than risk making a fool of ourselves. But when we adopt the perspective that challenge can strengthen us, and that we can learn from both successes and failures, we’re exercising our resilience muscles.

This is not to say that we should seek adversity. But finding small, manageable ways to challenge yourself builds confidence. Take that class you’ve been interested in. Make that phone call you’ve been avoiding. Push your limits little by little and adopt a view of exploration and curiosity. Whether you soar or crash and burn, you’re gaining knowledge and insight.

Identifying with the process of trying, rather than outcomes, is a resilience-building approach to life.

A Word From Verywell

每个人都有不同的levels of resilience, but it is a skill you can work to build. Put in the effort to develop it before you encounter hardship, and you'll be able to meet challenges and learn from them.


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