
The Mental Health Benefits of a Social Bubble During COVID-19


卢巴福托/E+/Getty Images

In the age of the COVID-19 pandemic, a "social bubble" is a clearly defined group of people who agree to limit their in-person social interactions to only visit with each other.


“Establishing a social bubble is one way people are trying to cope,” says Georgia Gaveras, DO, chief psychiatrist and co-founder ofTalkiatry. “It’s important that people find ways to interact safely during the pandemic and not put anyone’s health at risk in the process.”


Mental Health Benefits of Social Bubbles

So long as you’re practicing safety precautions and limiting your numbers, there are many advantages to being a part of a social bubble that may have a positive impact on your overall mental health.


Americans have been battling loneliness since long before the pandemic began. According to a信诺报告,五分之三的美国人报道了2019年的感觉孤独。虽然社会偏差和面具穿着的是对抗Covid-19的关键组成部分,孤独是这种流行病的副产品that can’t be ignored.



Enables Physical Touch

As human beings, we crave physical touch, as it's directly correlated to our well-being. According to Sam Von Reiche, PsyD, PA, psychologist, and author of反思你的心理医生:谈话疗法和药物的最佳选择,吨ouch is critical for our mental health.


Being in the same space as loved ones can feel intimate these days, but being able to touch, without masks and without the fear of contracting COVID-19, is a luxury that many of us miss, and for good reason. If created safely, a social bubble offers that close proximity, in which you can touch, hug, laugh, and play.


这就是为什么Stephanie Solheim托莱多网页设计师与数字营销, started her own social bubble. She and her best friend both have very young kids, some of whom are considered high-risk.






When starting your own social bubble, be critical about who you let in. Maintaining a safe social bubble requires trust, planning, and mutual decision-making.

Here’s what Dr. Von Reiche recommends:

  • 考虑到实际和心理原因,与那些你认识的人谈论谁最需要的互动。
  • Closely evaluate who you trust enough to follow the social bubble rules.
  • 确保那些加入泡沫的人是非常可靠的,并且有小心地疏远社会和戴口罩的记录。
  • 考虑一下每个人在限制接触方面的能力,包括他们从事什么工作,是否接种过疫苗,以及他们认为“安全”的活动
  • Have a response plan in case someone in your bubble gets sick.

These conversations aren't easy to have, as they require honesty and openness, but they're necessary when you're dealing with a serious pandemic. Try to be patient, as you confront loved ones. Explain why you want to start a social bubble and why it's necessary to set boundaries around that bubble. If people aren't willing to have these conversations with you, then you may not want them in your bubble.

“The social bubble is an interesting concrete manifestation of the kind of healthy boundaries mental health professionals teach their clients to have in general—only to be in safe, secure relationships with those they actually trust,” says Dr. Von Reiche.

If you’ve found the right people who are on the same page as you, a small social bubble can offer many benefits, but you have to make sure you’re being smart about what you do, who you see, and how you behave so you don’t put yourself or those in your bubble at risk.

Julia Williams, atravel bloggerwho built a social bubble of six adults, all of whom are childless and work from home, says, “If anyone from our quarantine crew sees someone from outside the bubble, they may be voted ‘off the island’ for a couple of weeks.”

A Word From Verywell

You may not have the option of building a social bubble. Maybe you’re a frontline worker, battling a chronic disease that puts you in a high-risk category, or living alone. You still need to find ways to connect with others, no matter how challenging.


  • 加入在线支持组。
  • 每周或每月与亲人进行视频通话。
  • Start a virtual book club or join a virtual event.

You may not have the benefit of physical, in-person intimacy, but you can still engage with others in ways that help you de-stress. If you feel comfortable enough, consider socially-distant, outdoor meetups.



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  1. 杜林金j,杰克逊d,emher k。接触COVID-19时代:接触饥饿伤害.临床护理杂志. 2021;30(1-2):e4-e5. doi:10.1111/jocn.15488