No subscription necessary
Service for both adults and children
Appointments are available around the clock
Higher priced than other online therapy services
Limited treatment options
Fewer therapists available compared to other online services
Video chat is the only option
Technical difficulties associated with sign-up process
Lack of customer service
WATES DOURNAT提供对对现场视频聊天会话感兴趣的任何人的网上心理学家和精神科医生的快速访问,但它比其他一些在线治疗服务更昂贵。
Many of the features were similar to other websites, but their main drawbacks were the sign-up process, technical issues, and the price. The payment process is also set up for individuals who live in the U.S., which meant one of our usual online therapy reviewers wasn’t able to try this service out.
医生按需的优势是快速访问,经验类似于traditional therapy由于您可以与临床医生进行视频聊天。
注册医生点播、下载应用from iTunes or Google Play store or access their online site. After answers a few questions you’ll be able to register for services. Once you have registered, select “See a Doctor Now.” You will be asked questions about your symptoms, allergies, and medications.
您可以安排预约,与医生交谈,用于身体或心理健康。万博手机客户端选择心理健康后,您可以选择一个万博手机客户端心理学家对于谈话治疗或一个精神科医生if you want to consider medication.
The four people who tested this service were able to get an appointment with a therapist in anywhere from 24 hours to 4 days. One exception was in the case of a tester from outside of the U.S., which took 10 days.
我们的测试人员有不同的意见,了解要注册并预约所花费的时间。One evaluator said, “Honestly, I've been messing around with the site for about an hour and a half and have only run into issues. I have an account, but have not been able to actually get a doctor on video yet due to numerous site/technological issues.”
Doctor on Demand doesn’t require a subscription plan so it’s a great option for anyone who wants a quick consultation.
Some of the testers using the Doctor on Demand desktop web app ran into technical difficulties。One tester thought it had too many features, saying, “When first opening the website, it can be pretty overwhelming. Since they handle so many different patients, the website isn’t specifically geared toward just mental health. Once we started on the mental health track, the steps were much clearer, but it took a few minutes to get there. We took their free mental health assessment but then once we signed up with our therapist, we had to take it all over again.”
Doctor on Demand does emphasize the importance of selecting a therapist carefully. They allow you to view available therapists licensed in your state, read their biographies, and choose who you want to talk to. You may also choose to meet with the same therapist for future visits.
You can even opt to select your appointment time first and then see which therapists are available.
Decurance Repard报道,“我们的许可精神病学家和心理学家的各种团队提供了您需要隐私和易于家庭所需的情感支持。从谈判治疗到药物管理,我们的团队在这里支持您的全部心理健康。“
- 焦虑
- Depression
- Postpartum
- 关系
- 创伤失败
- 放映
While you can schedule more than one appointment with a mental health professional, you might find this service is also helpful for questions or consultation needs since it doesn’t require a subscription.
Each of their psychologists and psychiatrists go through a rigorous selection process to become a part of the Doctor on Demand network. Subsequently, each of them are monitored through a Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Process.
Decurance报告称:“初始选择涉及采访我们的医疗领导,并彻底对其临床经验,培训,许可和调查问卷进行彻底审查。然后将其进行NCQA / NPDB(国家质量保证委员会)/(国家从业数据库)验证标准和背景屏幕。“
虽然最重要的是online therapy sitesoffer services from a variety of licensed mental health professionals, Doctors on Demand only have psychologists and psychiatrists available.
Types of Treatment Available
Many of the doctors have specialized training to treat specific issues. Treatments may include help with:
- 焦虑
- Stress
- Insomnia
- Panic Attacks
- Chronic Depression
- Fatigue
- Mood Swings
- Postpartum Depression
- Family & Relationships
- 行为治疗
- Anger Management
- Grief
- Loss
Your information is stored on their encrypted servers inside encrypted databases. Only strong-encryption APIs may access the data via the Doctor on Demand mobile application. Their system is also HIPAA-compliant.
For therapy, prices are $129 for a 25 minute-session and $179 for a 50-minute session.
For psychiatry, the initial visit is $299
They accept all major credit cards, such as: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. You may also pay using your HSA or FSA debit card, as long as it has a VISA or MasterCard logo.
Unlike many online therapy sites that offer subscription plans, appointments are scheduled one at a time.
You can choose what doctor you’d like to work with and schedule an appointment at your convenience.
Doctor on Demand, however, offers psychiatry services. Their psychiatrists can prescribe medication for a number of mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety. Talkspace does not offer this service.
In addition, Doctor on Demand offers appointments with physicians who treat physical health conditions as well. This could be helpful to anyone who may be experiencing physical and mental health issues.
Most people may find Talkspace is a better option. But, for those who are looking to schedule an appointment with a mental health provider without the commitment of a subscription, Doctor on Demand may be the best option.
Expensive, but you're also able to choose your therapist.
The four individuals who tested Doctor on Demand had mixed feelings. The most positive aspects included scheduling flexibility and the ability to see a psychiatrist who can prescribe medication if needed. The biggest concerns were the cost and the technical difficulties associated with the web app. Also, some testers did not like the fact that video chat was the only option.
- Product Name经医生按需
- Price$129
- 成立年份2012年
- Mobile PlatformsAndroid 4.4 or newer, iOS 11 or newer
- HIPPA Compliant是
- Payment Options所有主要信用卡(签证,万事达卡,美国运通,发现)
- Price129至299美元/届会议