


Students withADHDmay find that the level of support at the college level is quite different from what they experienced in high school. While all colleges are required to offer disability services, the type and intensiveness of these services can vary dramatically from one school to the next.

寻找一所学校可以有助于为adhd提供强大支持的学校。通过在早期研究您的选择,您可能有更好的体验并找到更强大的体验ADHD resources支持您的教育之旅。

Many学生与adhd.go to typical colleges without supports and are able to function well. However, there are also students with ADHD who benefit tremendously from a school or support services specifically geared to help them achieve their highest potential.



These are just three of the accredited schools that are specifically intended to support students with ADHD:

  • 信标学院is an accredited college that offers degrees exclusively for students with ADHD.
  • Landmark College是一个完全认可的两年和四年学位授予机构,专为具有学习障碍和ADHD的学生而设计的。
  • The Metamorphosis Coaching Program at Lynn University addresses specific executive functioning issues experienced by college students with ADHD.

You don’t have to narrow your search to include just these colleges, however, as there are other options available to make college a successful time for you.



  • k&W高校指南:用于学习残疾或注意力缺陷障碍的学生
  • Colleges with Programs for Students with Learning Disabilities or Attention Deficit Disorders

Evaluate Your Needs

首先思考大学中可能需要成功的事情的类型很重要。了解您的计划,以及您将如何实现它可以帮助您stay motivatedto continue. Some things to ask yourself include:

  • 你知道你想要什么吗?
  • 您是否需要您老师的个人支持?
  • 你需要一个忙碌的令人充满活力的环境吗?
  • 您是否需要结构和支持来留下任务?

Knowing what you want to study can be helpful since you might start to lose focus or interest if you are still figuring things out. Talking to a guidance counselor can be helpful if you're not quite sure what you want to pursue.

If you know that you will likely need some extra support in order to succeed, your next step should be to start looking at the types of ADHD support services each school offers.

ADHD Support Services


The support office may be referred to by a number of names depending on the school. Some things to search for include:

  • Office of Student Disability Services
  • Disability Support
  • Office of Disabled Student Services
  • 学习支持服务


As you are looking at colleges, there are a few questions to ask when you contact the disability support office at each school. They'll give you a better idea of the type of support the school offers for students who have ADHD.

Ask About Staff


  • 是残疾人局主任支持ADHD和/或学习障碍的专家(LD)吗?
  • 全年有多少adhd专家与该计划一起工作?
  • Are ADHD specialists also available for ongoing counseling, guidance, and support?
  • 学生健康有医生是否有经验治疗和处方药对于ADHD?
  • 该办公室是否有经验丰富的地区的专业人士列表treating ADHD?


In addition to learning more about the qualifications of the professional who work in the support office, you should also ask more about what type of services they offer. Each program is different, so it is important to see if they will be able to meet your specific needs. Examples of questions you might ask include:

  • 有多少学生多动症呢es the support program serve?
  • Is there a formal ADHD support group available for students on campus?
  • Does the school offer specialized academic advising for students with ADHD and LD?
  • What kinds of specific accommodations does the school offer?
  • 他们是否为学生提供ADHD早期注册,以选择首选课程和教授?
  • Does disability support help to communicate each student’s needs to the appropriate professors?
  • 是专门用于adhd和ld的学生提供的辅导?
  • 是否有学习技能,时间管理和组织课程专门为ADHD的学生提供?


You may also want to ask to meet with one or two ADHD students enrolled in the school who currently receive disability support services. They are often the best resource for practical information about the strengths and weaknesses of the program.


A Word From Verywell

If you have ADHD, taking a proactive approach when selecting a school can help set you up for success. Choosing a school can be difficult, but thinking about your needs and doing some research is a great place to start. If you still aren't sure, consider taking a tour of the school to see what they have to offer. Trust your instincts and remember that support is available.

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  • Kathleen G. Nadeau,Ph.D.为加入ADHD的学生评估大学支持服务。addvance.com。2004年。
  • 斯蒂芬妮莫尔顿萨科蒂斯,博士。用补充制作成绩:学生在高校成立的指南,注意力缺陷障碍。新的Harbinger出版物。2008年。