What Is Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD)?


Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin

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这种疾病的特点是极度羞怯和对他人的批评敏感性,被称为一个集群C人格障碍or one that involves anxious and fearful personality disorders.

AVPD通常与其他心理健康状况相关联万博手机客户端焦虑症, 尤其是,社交焦虑症。患有这种疾病的人表现出一种避免的模式害怕被拒绝或者不赞成,他们经历过极其痛苦。这种疾病影响了大约2.5%的人口,具有大致相同的男性和女性受到影响。



  • 需要很好
  • 安德尼亚(缺乏活动的乐趣)
  • 关于说或做错事的焦虑
  • 社会局势焦虑
  • Avoiding conflict (being a "people-pleaser")
  • 避免工作设置中的互动或关闭促销
  • Avoiding intimate relationships or sharing intimate feelings
  • Avoiding making decisions
  • Avoiding situations due to fear of rejection
  • 避免社交场合或活动
  • 批评或不赞成容易受伤
  • 极端自我意识
  • 未能启动社交联系
  • Fearful and tense demeanor
  • Feelings of inadequacy
  • 对阴性评估的过敏积累
  • Lack of assertiveness
  • 缺乏对他人的信任
  • 自卑
  • 误解中性情况为消极
  • 没有亲密的朋友/缺乏社交网络
  • 自我隔离
  • 社会抑制
  • 不愿意冒险或尝试新事物
  • 将自己视为社会无能的或劣等
  • 警惕不赞成或拒绝的迹象



Avoidant personality disorder is typically diagnosed in adults, as children's personalities are still developing and behaviors such as shyness can be normal experiences in childhood that are later outgrown.


  • Avoidance of occupational activities involving significant social contact out of fear of criticism, disapproval, or rejection
  • 除非你肯定会喜欢你,否则不愿意与他人参与其中
  • 在恐惧被嘲笑或羞辱的恐惧之外遏制亲密关系
  • 在社交场合中的批评或拒绝关注
  • 由于感觉不足,在新的社交场合中的抑制
  • 社会无能为力,不吸引人或劣等的感受
  • 犹豫是为了冒险或害怕尴尬的恐惧


The causes of avoidant personality disorder are thought to involve genetic, environmental, social, and psychological factors.情绪虐待, criticism, ridicule, or lack of affection or nurturing by a parent or caregiver in childhood may result in the development of this personality disorder if other factors are also present. Rejection by peers may similarly be a risk factor.

Often, individuals with the disorder are very shy as children and do not outgrow this shyness as they age.






Avoidant personality disorder can be hard to treat like other personality disorders because it is an enduring pattern of behavior and it can be difficult for the person living with the disorder to recognize that psychotherapeutic help is needed and can be beneficial.

不幸的是,没有寻求治疗的避免性格障碍的人的前景相当黯淡 - 通常它们变得自我隔离,并使用避免作为他们唯一的应对策略。

On the other hand, when treatment is successfully applied, it can help to reduce symptoms and increase the range of coping strategies that the person can use to manage their anxiety. A person with avoidant personality disorder will probably always be somewhat shy, but avoidance won't dominate their thoughts.

Talk Therapy

Talk therapy for avoidant personality disorder may includecognitive behavioral therapy (CBT),心理动力治疗和模式治疗。组治疗和社交技能培训也可能有所帮助。

CBT is helpful for learning how to change unhelpful thinking patterns, while psychodynamic therapy is aimed at being aware of how past experiences, pain, and conflict may be contributing to current symptoms.

Schema therapy为避免性格障碍是一种综合的方法,可以在CBT和许多其他治疗技术上建立。它重点关注治疗师和客户之间的治疗关系,以及基于理解和重新工程的早期生命经验,改善日常运作和洞察力的目标。

A key feature of schema therapy is "limited reparenting," in which the client expresses childhood needs and learns to develop and internalize a healthy parent voice.



  1. 不适的模式是如何在整个生命中重复的模式。这些模式分为五个方面:断开和拒绝,损害自主性和性能,损害限制,过度责任和标准,过度警惕和抑制。
  2. 作为孩子学习的应对方式(例如,逃避,反击)。
  3. 模式模式被用于应对和如何they are unhelpful (e.g., avoidance, detachment, compliance, punishment).
  4. How to develop healthy adult modes of coping and get core emotional needs met.


While there are currently no medications specifically approved for treating avoidant personality disorder, if a person has other related disorders such as depression or anxiety, medication may be prescribed to help with those symptoms.

For example, antidepressant medication can be helpful for improving mood and anhedonia, decreasing anxiety symptoms, and may also reduce对拒绝的敏感性





如果您或亲人在努力争取避免性格障碍,请联系Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline在1-800-662-4357,有关您所在地区的支持和治疗设施的信息。

For more mental health resources, see our国家助理数据库


如果你认为你知道的或爱的人可能会推荐g with avoidant personality disorder symptoms, it is important to encourage that person to seek help. Without professional treatment such as talk therapy, it is unlikely that the symptoms and their related impacts on relationships will improve.

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Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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Additional Reading