Understand That You're Not Alone
A 2019 survey conducted by the American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment (ACHA-NCHA II) reported that 56% of college students felt hopeless during the year, 66% felt very lonely, 71% felt very sad, 45% felt so depressed they found it difficult to function, 66% experienced overwhelming anxiety, and 87% felt overwhelmed by all they had to do.
It's clear that college is not always easy to get used to.
Don't Keep Your Feelings Bottled Up
It might be as simple as talking with a friend—whether they're at your college or another—to sort out your feelings. You should call mom or dad to let them know you're struggling—sometimes just the sound of a parent's voice can help a lot. If you continue to feel unhappy or depressed, most college offers guidance and counseling. Asking for help is the first step to feeling better.
Think carefully about what it is that is making you unhappy, because if it's not anything specific about your school, it may be something inside of you that needs attention.
College isn't easy. It may sound great in theory (four or five classes a semester, lots of free time, only a midterm and final in many courses) but the reality is that unless you stay on top of what you need to get done, you're bound to be disappointed in your grades—and yourself. There are many distractions that can seem far more interesting than hitting the books, but don't let yourself be swayed by friends who want you to come out and have fun when you have work to do. Discipline is a tough but necessary tool to you need to succeed in college.
You may just need a break from the college environment to clear your head and feel positive about college again. If you can go home for a weekend visit, by all means do it. A little down time with the family may be enough to carry you through to winter break or summer. If you can't get home, ask a friend to go with you somewhere nearby for the day that has nothing to do with school. Eat some good food, go to a concert, a ball game, or do some shopping.
任何that will take you off campus for a day or two is bound to refresh your outlook.
如果您正在考虑离开您的学校,因为您只是不认为这是一个很好的适合您,请执行一些调查 - 而不只是在线。在其他学院和大学去参观朋友,并为他们的学校是什么样的感觉。如果您在一所大学,请查看一个完全不同类型的经验的小学,反之亦然。如果您要考虑转移,请找出您已完成的课程是否会与您转移,或者您可能会丢失一整年的工作(和学费)。
Don't Panic
For most college students, time is the best tool there is to overcome feelings of dissatisfaction with their chosen school. You may feel like this is the worst week ever, but next week your situation could be completely different.适应大学生活is a multi-faceted and sometimes overwhelming process that even the happiest student at times may find difficult to manage. Give yourself a break and realize that you are not alone.