
Young woman lying on couch and psychotherapist leaning toward her with hands clasped
Laurence Mouton / Getty Images

Psychoanalysis is defined as a set of psychological theories and therapeutic techniques that have their origin in the work and theories of Sigmund Freud.精神分析的核心是信念,所有人都拥有无意识的想法,感受,欲望和记忆。

Basic Tenets

精神分析表明人们可以体验导泻and gain insight into their current state of mind by bringing the content of the unconscious into conscious awareness. Through this process, a person can find relief from psychological distress. Psychoanalysis also suggests that:

  • 一个人的行为受到他们无意识的驱动器的影响。
  • 情绪和心理问题,如抑郁和焦虑,往往是意识和无意识的思想之间的冲突。
  • Personality发展受到幼儿事件的影响严重影响(弗洛伊德建议,以5岁以下的人格在石头上被规定)。
  • 人们使用防御机制来保护自己免受无意识中所含的信息。

熟练的分析师可以帮助一个人把某些spects of their unconscious mind into their conscious awareness by using psychoanalytic strategies such as dream analysis and free association.

History of Psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud是精神分析的创始人和心理学的心理动力学方法。万博maxbetx官网登陆弗洛伊德认为人类思想由三个要素组成:身份证,自我和超级款。

Freud's theories ofpsychosexual stages,无意识,梦想象征主义仍然很受了心理学家和外国人的流行,但其他人认为他的工作与怀疑主义。

Many ofFreud's observations and theorieswere based on clinical cases and case studies. This made his findings difficult to generalize to the larger population. Still, Freud's theories changed how we think about the human mind and behavior and left a lasting mark on psychology and culture.

Erik Erikson is another theorist associated with psychoanalysis. Erikson expanded on Freud's theories and stressed the importance of growth throughout the lifespan. Erikson's psychosocial stage theory of personality remains influential today in our understanding of human development.


Today, psychoanalysis encompasses:

  • Applied psychoanalysis (which applies psychoanalytic principles to the study of art, literature, and real-world settings and situations)
  • Neuro-psychoanalysis (which applies neuroscience to psychoanalytic topics such as dreams and repression)
  • Psychoanalytic therapy


While traditional Freudian approaches have fallen out of favor, modern approaches to psychoanalytic therapy emphasize a non-judgmental and empathetic approach.

In psychotherapy, people are able to feel safe as they explore feelings, desires, memories, and stressors that can lead to psychological difficulties. Research has demonstrated that the self-examination utilized in the psychoanalytic process can contribute to long-term emotional growth.


  • 1856 –西格蒙德·弗洛伊德was born
  • 1882 – Josef Breuer described the case of Anna O to Freud
  • 1886年 - 弗洛伊德首先开始提供治疗
  • 1895 – Anna Freud was born
  • 1900 – Sigmund Freud published his bookThe Interpretation of Dreams
  • 1896 – Sigmund Freud first coined the term psychoanalysis
  • 1908年 - 维也纳精神分析社会形成,并举办了第一次电脑栽培的国际会议
  • 1909 – Freud made his first and only trip to the United States
  • 1910年 - 形成了国际精神分析协会
  • 1913 – Jung broke from Freud and psychoanalysis
  • 1938 – The Vienna Psychoanalytic Society was dissolved
  • 1939 – Sigmund Freud died in London following a long battle with mouth cancer


西格蒙德·弗洛伊德was the founder of psychoanalysis, but other thinkers—including his own daughter安娜弗劳德—also left a significant mark on the field. Among the most prominent names in psychoanalysis wereErik Erikson,埃里奇洛莫, andCarl Jung.

Karl Abraham, Otto Rank, John Bowlby, Melanie Klein, Karen Horney, andSabina Spielrein也是精神分析理论演变的主要贡献者。


Psychoanalysis also involves a number of different terms and ideas related to the mind, personality, and treatment.






Theunconscious mindincludes all of the things that are outside of our conscious awareness, such as early childhood memories, secret desires, and hidden drives. According to Freud, the unconscious contains things that we might consider to be unpleasant or even socially unacceptable. We bury these things in our unconscious because they might bring us pain or conflict.



Unconscious Mind
  • 令人不愉快,困难,甚至社会不可接受的思想,敦促或感受。

  • Buried because they can bring about pain or conflict.

  • Can sometimes be brought into awareness using certain techniques.

  • Thoughts, feelings, and urges that we are aware of or can easily bring into awareness.

  • Not hidden or suppressed.

  • May be influenced by unconscious thoughts, feelings, or memories.






出现的人格的第二个方面被称为自我。This is the part of the personality that must deal with the demands of reality. It helps control the urges of the id and makes us behave in ways that are both realistic and acceptable.

Rather than engaging in behaviors that are designed to satisfy our desires and needs, the ego forces us to fulfill our needs in ways that are socially acceptable and realistic. In addition to controlling the demands of the id, the ego also helps strike a balance between our basic urges, our ideals, and reality.


The梯子is the final aspect of personality to emerge and it contains our ideals and values. The values and beliefs that our parents and society instill in us are the guiding force of the superego and it strives to make us behave according to these morals.

The Ego's Defense Mechanisms

防御机制是自我用途的策略保护自己免受焦虑。These defensive tools act as a safeguard to keep unpleasant or distressing aspects of the unconscious from entering our awareness. When something is experienced as overwhelming or even inappropriate, defense mechanisms keep the information from entering our consciousness, which minimizes our distress.

优势and Weaknesses


  • Influenced experimental psychology

  • 继续发挥影响力

  • 让人们重新思考精神疾病如何治疗

  • 放在童年时期的强调太多,无意识和性

  • 难以经验研究

  • 许多想法基于单个案例观察


  • 尽管大多数心理动力学理论不依赖于实验研究,但精神分析思想的方法和理论导致了实验心理学的发展。万博maxbetx官网登陆
  • 心理动力学思想家的许多人格理论,例如Erikson的心理社会阶段和弗洛伊德的心理舞台理论,继续影响现场。
  • Psychoanalysis opened up a new view on mental illness, particularly that talking through problems with a psychoanalytic professional could help alleviate a person's psychological distress.


  • Freud's theories overemphasized the unconscious mind, sex, aggression, and childhood experiences.
  • 精神分析理论家提出的许多概念难以衡量和量化。
  • Most of Freud's ideas were based on case studies and clinical observations rather than empirical, scientific research.

Support and Criticism

Many people are skeptical of psychoanalysis because the evidence supporting its effectiveness has often been viewed as weak. One of the main arguments by those who are critical of psychoanalysis is that it's not as effective as other treatments.


A 2015 review found that psychodynamic therapy could be effective in the treatment of a number of conditions include:

  • 沮丧
  • Eating disorders
  • 躯体紊乱
  • Some anxiety disorders


Susan Krauss Whitbourne, PhD

Using the criteria established for evidence-based treatment, traditional psychoanalysis alone does not, in fact, pass muster as a method of therapy for the large majority of心理障碍。但是,要将弗洛伊德的贡献视为无关紧要的问题......万博maxbetx官网登陆is an oversimplification.

— Susan Krauss Whitbourne, PhD



His approach to therapy (specifically, the suggestion that mental illness was treatable and that talking about problems could bring relief) was a revolutionary concept that changed how we approach the treatment of mental illness.

"Reviews of neuroscientific work confirm that many of Freud's original observations, not least the pervasive influence of non-conscious processes and the organizing function of emotions for thinking, have found confirmation in laboratory studies," explained Peter Fonagy in an article published inWorld Psychiatry

Sigmund Freud也是他的时间的商品。虽然他所闻名他的大胆理论(在维多利亚时期被认为特别令人震惊),但他对世界的观点是他住的时间。如果弗洛伊德今天活着,他的想法可能被认为是非常不同的 - 他自己的工作可能会采取不同的方向。

Some have suggested that if Freud were alive today, he would likely be interested in topics related to brain functioning. Prior to the development of psychoanalysis, Freud's interests had centered on developing a neural model of behavior. Researchers today also suggest that the neurobiological underpinnings of psychoanalysis are worth further exploration.

One important thing to note is that while psychoanalysis might be on the decline, it does not mean that the心理动力学视角已经死了。

Susan Krauss Whitbourne, PhD

心理学家今天谈论psychodynamic,不是精神分析透视。As such, this perspective refers to the dynamic forces within our personalities whose shifting movements underlie much of the basis for our observable behavior. Psychoanalysis is a much narrower term referring to the Freudian-based notion that to understand, and treat, abnormal behavior, our unconscious conflicts must be worked through.

— Susan Krauss Whitbourne, PhD



如果你在想到心理学时问别人想到的话,Sigmund弗洛伊德和精神分析可能是共同的反应。万博maxbetx官网登陆毫无疑问,精神分析 - 既是治疗方法和理论前景 - 已经留下了心理学的标志。万博maxbetx官网登陆







  • 更加重视科学研究和经验证据。
  • 探讨更深入的循证治疗。
  • 提高数据收集方法。
  • 更好地考虑对行为的其他可能的解释。
  • Collaborate actively with other mental health professionals.


A Word From Verywell

Freud's mark on psychology is still felt today.谈话治疗is most often associated with psychoanalysis, but therapists also use the technique in other approaches to treatment, including客户中心治疗, and组治疗


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