谈话疗法是最常见的treatment options for phobias虽然细节将根据客户的需求和治疗师的思想学院而变化。
What Is Talk Therapy?
谈话疗法,也称为心理治疗,是基于谈论困扰的事情的核心想法,您可以帮助他们澄清他们并将它们置于视角。一些谈话治疗师遵循一所具体的思想,如cognitive theoryor behaviorism. Others use a moreeclectic approach,来自几种不同理论的绘制技术和原理。
Effectiveness of Talk Therapy vs. Medication Therapy
There is an age-old debate in the mental health community regarding the usefulness of talk therapy as opposed tomedication therapy。According to themedical model, mental disorders are the result of physiological causes and should be treated by medication, surgery, or other medical processes.
Today, most members of the mental health community feel that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Some conditions may be caused by physiological changes, while others are the result of conflict and unhealthy reactions. Most issues are based on a combination of factors.
Many therapists consider both medical and talk therapy solutions when devising a treatment plan.
Goals of Therapy
The ultimategoal of any type of therapy是为了帮助客户更成功地与疾病或情况更成功。具体的治疗目标取决于个人客户,治疗师的理论和手头的情况。目标可能是混凝土,例如戒烟,或更多的抽象,如愤怒管理。
Some forms of talk therapy have a third goal. In psychoanalysis and related therapies, the goal is to discover and resolve the underlying conflict that caused the phobia or other disorder. In interpersonal therapies, the goal is to resolve problems in interpersonal relationships that have resulted from or contributed to the phobia or other disorder.
Progression of Talk Therapy
Talk therapy begins with an initial appointment, often referred to as an摄入访谈。在此预约期间,您将描述为您提供治疗的内容。这被称为presenting problem。
The issue may require more or fewer sessions than originally planned. Family members or friends may be invited to join in certain sessions. Auxiliaryresources, such as support groups, may be recommended.
Group Talk Therapy
Although talk therapy is most commonly performed one on one, group talk therapy can also be effective. In traditional group therapy, the existence of the group plays a key role. Atherapeutic milieu是在组中创建的环境,提供结构,支持和安全感。在一个安全可信赖的环境中,小组成员往往可以表达感情,面对自己的负面人格特征,并试验行为变化。
当然,建立一个社区感才需要时间和精力。简要治疗的普及导致了不同的群体治疗方式 - 研讨会。时间限制在一个晚上或一个周末,研讨会可以被视为群式个体治疗。这些短组会议使用个人认知行为治疗立即向几个人提交给几个人的方法。除了看到其他人成功地战斗自己的问题,群体设置很大程度上是无关紧要的。