西格蒙德·弗洛伊德is one of the most famous figures of the twentieth century. His often controversial ideas had a major impact on the growing field of psychology, and his influence continues to be felt today. In addition to his grand theories of human psychology, he was also a prolific writer, publishing more than 320 different books, articles, and essays.
The following list represents a selection of some of his most famous and influential books. If you are interested in learning more about Freud and his theories, considering reading a few of his original writings to get a better grasp ofFreudian theorydirectly from the original source.
Studies on Hysteria, orStudien über Hysterie,由弗洛伊德和他的同事Josef Breuer共同撰写。这本书描述了他们的工作和研究了许多患有的个人歇斯底里,包括他们最着名的案例之一,一个被称为年轻女子安娜O.这本书还介绍了使用精神分析作为精神疾病的治疗。
The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)
The Interpretation of Dreams最初在标题下发表德语Die traumdeutung.。弗洛伊德经常被确定this book作为他个人最喜欢的,它已经成为心理学史上的常年经典。万博maxbetx官网登陆
The book lays out Freud's theory that dreams represent unconscious wishes disguised by symbolism. If you're interested in learning more about Freud's approach to dreams and the无意识的思想, this book is a must-read.
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (1901)
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, orZur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens,被认为是弗洛伊德精神分析理论的主要文本之一。
The book takes a closer look at a number of deviations that occur during everyday life, including forgetting names, slips of the tongue (aka弗洛伊德扯掉), and errors in speech and concealed memories. He then analyzes the underlying psychopathology that he believed led to such errors.
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, orDrei Abhandlungen Zur Sexhtheorie,被认为是弗洛伊德最重要的作品之一。在这些论文中,他概述了他的理论心理发展and introduces other important concepts including theOedipus complex阴茎嫉妒,阉割焦虑。
在无意识的笑话和他们的关系, orDer Witz Und Seine Beziehung ZumUnbewußten,弗洛伊德观察了如何笑话,就像梦一样,可能与之相关无意识wishes, desires, or memories. Freud's theory of humor is based on his theory of theID,EGO和uperego。根据弗洛伊德的说法,超级政策是允许自我产生和快乐的原因。
图腾和禁忌: Resemblances Between the Mental Lives of Savages and Neurotics, orTotem und Tabu:EinigeÜbereinstimmungenim seelenleben der wilden und der neurotiper, is a collection of four essays that apply psychoanalysis to other fields including religion, anthropology, and archaeology.
On Narcissism ( 1914)
在On Narcissism, orZur Einführung des Narzißmus,弗洛伊德概述了他的理论narcissism。在the book, he suggests that narcissism is actually a normal part of the human psyche. He referred to this as primary narcissism or the energy that lies behind each person's survival instincts.
在troduction to Psychoanalysis (1917)
As one of Freud's most famous books,在troduction to Psychoanalysis(orVorlesungen ZurEinführung在Die Psychoanalyse), Freud outlines his theory of精神分析including the unconscious mind, the theory of neuroses and dreams.
The preface, written byG. Stanley Hall解释说:“这二十八次讲座的行长讲座是小学和几乎对话的。弗洛伊德以坦率的方式阐述了精神分析的困难和局限性,并描述了其主要方法和结果仅仅是一所新学校的主人和发起者思想可以做到。“
在超越了乐趣, originally published in German asJenseits des Lustprinzips., Freud explored his theory of instincts in greater depth. Previously, Freud's work identified the libido as the force behind human actions. In this book, he developed a theory of drives that are motivated by thelife and death instincts。
Civilization and Its Discontents (1930)
Civilization and Its Discontents, orDas Unbehagen in der Kultur,是弗洛伊德最知名的最广泛的书籍之一。这本书中心关于弗洛伊德关于整体个人和文明之间的紧张关系的想法。
According to Freud, many of our most basic desires are at odds with what is best for society, which is why laws prohibiting certain actions are created. The result, he argues, is an ongoing feeling of discontentment among the citizens of that civilization.
在摩西和一门主义,首次发表于1937年Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion,弗洛伊德利用了他的精神分析理论来发展关于过去事件的假设。在这本书中,他建议摩西不是犹太人,而是是一个古老的埃及门家。这是弗洛伊德的最终工作,也许是他最具争议的之一。