Freud's Theories of Life and Death Instincts

Sigmund Freud的theory of drives evolved throughout the course of his life and work. He initially described a class of drives known as the life本能并认为这些驱动器对我们的大部分行为负责。

最终,他来相信,单独的生命本能无法解释所有人类的行为。随着他的书出版超越了快乐的校长1920年,弗洛伊德Concluded that all instincts fall into one of two major classes: life instincts or death instincts.

The life and death instincts in psychology
Illustration by JR Bee, Verywell

Life Instincts (Eros)



In his early psychoanalytic theory, Freud proposed that Eros was opposed by自我的力量(一个人的心灵的有组织的,现实部分,在欲望之间介导)。在此稍后的观点中,他坚持认为,生命本能是由自我毁灭性的死亡本能反对,称为Thanatos。

通常与生命本能相关的行为包括love, cooperation, and other女性行动

The life instincts are focused on the preservation of life, both of the individual and of the species. This drive compels people to engage in actions that sustain their own lives, such as looking after their health and safety. It also exerts itself through sexual drives, motivating people to create and nurture new life.

Positive emotions such as love, affection, prosocial actions, and social cooperation are also associated with the life instincts. These behaviors support both individual well-being and the harmonious existence of a cooperative and healthy society.

Death Instincts (Thanatos)

The concept of the death instincts was initially described inBeyond the Pleasure Principle,in which Freud proposed that “the goal of all life is death.” Freud believed that people typically channel their death instincts outwards.侵略, for example, arises from the death instincts.

Sometimes these instincts towards destruction can be directed inwards, however, which can result in self-harm or suicide.

如果你有自杀思想,请联系国家自杀预防生命线1-800-273-8255for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.

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  • In working with soldiers after World War I, Freud observed that his subjects often re-enacted their battle experiences and noted that "dreams occurring in traumatic have the characteristic of repeatedly bringing the patient back into the situation of his accident."
  • 弗洛伊德在他的18个月大的孙子,恩斯特举行了类似的行为,他们扮演了一场叫做一场比赛堡垒/ da.每当他的母亲离开时。要处理他的焦虑,小孩会把短暂的卷上折叠在他的婴儿床上,每当短管轴消失并说“da”(或者在这里)时,他会在他卷入它的时候说“Fort”(意义)。弗洛伊德想知道如何“重复这种令人痛苦的经历作为游戏适合pleasure principle?"
  • 最后,在他自己的患者中,弗洛伊德指出,许多受压抑的创伤经历的人有倾向于“重复压抑材料作为当代体验”,而不是记住它作为属于过去的东西。

In Freud’s view, the compulsion to repeat was "something that would seem more primitive, more elementary, more instinctual than the pleasure principle which it overrides." He further proposed that the death instincts were an extension of that compulsion wherein all living organisms have an instinctive "pressure toward death" that stands in stark contrast to the instinct to survive, procreate, and satisfy desires.

Moreover, when this energy is directed outward toward others, Freud maintained, it is expressed as aggression and violence.


尽管弗洛伊德的理论不一样著名y once were, understanding how your own self-preservation and destructive tendencies influence your behavior can be helpful for your well-being. The life instincts might compel you to seek healthy relationships and social support, which are essential for emotional health.


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Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Capuzzi D, Stauffer MD.咨询和心理治疗:理论和干预措施。Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association; 2016.

  2. 琼斯史密斯E.咨询与心理治疗的理论:一种综合的方法。Los Angeles: SAGE; 2021.

Additional Reading
  • Mitchell, S. and Black. M. (2016)Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic ThoughT(更新版)。纽约,纽约:基本书/哈恰图书籍;ISBN-13:978-0465098811。