How to Control Compulsive Lying When You Have an Addiction


撒谎to your doctor is not a smart move. PhotoAlto/Eric Audras / Getty Images

撒谎关于你的,特别是如果您的上瘾行为是非法的,可以成为第二种自然。它甚至可以给出权力感 - “我逃脱了。”但撒谎对关系非常损害,家庭成员往往意识到他们被骗了, and many people with addictions would prefer to be more truthful, but just don’t know how.



这可能似乎是一个奇怪的提示,但研究hows that people with addictions actually do lie to themselves in a number of different ways.

Tip: Lying to yourself may be making your addiction worse. Being honest with yourself is the first step in becoming honest with others.

2. Know Who You Can Trust – When It’s In Your Best Interests


Tip: Be honest with your doctor. Even if you don’t tell them everything, at least answer their questions truthfully.

这不是他们的业务 - 或者是吗?


Before writing off another person's right to know the truth about your addiction, think about whether it has any impact on them. Members of your immediate family, for example, will very likely be impacted by your addiction, even if it is simply by your lack of availability for your relationship with them. Anyone who may be affected by the consequences of your addiction also has a right to know the truth, including anyone you have hurt while under the influence.

Tip: If you think your addiction may impact another person, consider telling them the truth.

他们不能应对真相 - 但也许他们已经是

您可以认为您必须将您的令人上瘾的行为秘密免受您接近的人,例如您的伴侣,成年儿童或父母,因为您认为这将是他们可以应对的。虽然他们很可能worry, in reality, they would have a much harder time coping with the serious consequences of your addiction, such as legal and health problems, if they were unaware of your addiction.

However, you should be careful in talking to young children about addictions, and this should ideally be done with the support of a trained family therapist. Having a parent who uses alcohol or drugs makes it more likely that your child will use these substances, so be careful about disclosure and particularly to never use alcohol or drugs in front of them, or offer them alcohol or drugs.


他们所做的只是批评我 - 但他们可以听

机会是您的成瘾新闻将导致一些初始烦恼。事实上,您可能会受到批评。您还可以听到一些不批评的负面评论,但您认为这是这样的。看到差异有助于。很难知道如何与瘾的人交谈,especially if there have been past lies and hurts.

If the person in question cares about you, they will want what is best for you, which is that you are well and happy. They may have a period of adjustment as they accept your addiction, but they may also be your greatest source of support through overcoming your addiction. Also, knowing what is going on can help家庭成员找到自己的支持


他们不明白 - 但也许他们可以帮助




7. I Don’t Care About Them – But Maybe I Should

Sometimes people with addictions get into relationships with other people for what they can get out of it – money, drugs, sex and social status are all common motivators. But by being in exploitative relationships with other people, you are setting yourself up for more shame and regret than you realize.






Of course, having your loved one’s forgiveness will probably feel pretty good to you too.

Tip: Apologize if you have hurt someone you love. They might just forgive you.

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