Personal Development Goals for Your 20s and Beyond

Personal development is a pivotal theme for most people in their 20s, and focusing on this goal can maximize your potential now and later in life. These are the years of forming your adult identity, finding your style of relating to others, and ultimately discovering what gives you meaning in your life, among other important goals.

That's a pretty tall order and one that can take you beyond your 20s, though this is an important time to start. The following research-backed goals can help you to develop as a person (whatever your age), find what can lead you to happiness, and become your best self from this point on.


Find Your Core Values

Finding what your core values are and following them in your career and relationships is something that is most easily done in your 20s. This is the foundation upon which you build your life, and following your core values now can help you to be off and running toward other goals that will make you truly happy.

Following your core values can also help you to avoid investing a lot of time and energy into a path that you'll ultimately regret because it's not aligned with who you truly are.

核心价值观并不是一件简单的事情,但通过个人反思,答案就在那里等着你去发现。Keep a journaland ask yourself what you value most in life. Family? Love? Artistic expression? Contributing to a cause you care about? These are all values you can put time and energy into, and values that can inform the work you do, as well as how you spend your free time.

其他values can influence who you are as a person and how you interact with others. For example, is honesty one of your more valued traits? Or integrity? How far are you willing to go in a relationship and how much are you willing to sacrifice to maintain these traits in yourself? These are not only questions to ask yourself, but themes to be aware of.


There are several ways that you can take this concept and work it into your个人目标

  • 创建个人使命宣言。Form a statement that notes what your values are and what you hold most dear, as well as how you would like to put those values into action.
  • Make a list of important personal values。These can be simple, broad themes.
  • 记日记本where you examine your past experiences and cultivate the lessons you've learned in your life, and the values you hold from those lessons.



考虑积极心理学研究万博maxbetx官网登陆that shows how lifts in mood that come from joy and positive feelings can actually build resilience to stress. It shows how important joy is—more than just a fleeting, fun experience, but something you can build upon.


If you find that what brings you joy changes, it's important to stay up-to-date on whatcurrently带给你这些积极的感觉。如果你的情况变了,一定要知道在你现在的生活中brings you joy as well.


Try these strategies to help find joy.

  • Remember your childhood以及那些让你快乐的事情。什么东西最让人兴奋?你最美好的回忆是什么?这些东西中的许多仍然可以给你带来快乐,所以如果你现在还没有把它们融入你的生活中,也许你应该这样做。
  • 要有创造力Expressing creativityoften sparks joy, whether your creative pursuits involve visual or musical art, writing, or even improv comedy. Play around, try new things, and see what you enjoy.
  • 和你的朋友谈谈and see what brings them joy. Try some of their favorites with them and on your own.
  • Try something new every day, or at least every week. Sometimes the most joy can come from the newness of an experience, and if you're trying new things on a regular basis, you're bound to stumble upon several things that truly make you happy.

Learn Your Strengths and Weaknesses

重要的是要知道你做得好什么where you struggle。Your 20s can be a great time of个人发现,这可能意味着发现个人查尔lenges as well as your gifts. You can use your strengths in everything you do—pursue a career that utilizes them, for example, or remind yourself of your strengths when you need to ask for what you deserve in a relationship or at a job.




  • Try new thingson a regular basis. See what comes easily to you and find out how far you can go with your skills.
  • Focus on areas that are a challenge for you。Without giving up, accept that these areas may always be a little more difficult for you. Then work to be proficient in these areas to the extent that is necessary, while still focusing on your strengths.
  • Look for new opportunities to put your strengths into action. 这可能涉及到尝试一些你以前没有想过的路,比如在一个你不一定去上学的领域工作或实习。也可以是和一个不是你喜欢的人约会,但他可能对你有好处,并以积极的方式挑战你。对新的经历敞开心扉,观察自己。

Prioritize Self-Care

Focusing on self-care in your 20s can beas challenging as it is important。得到足够的睡眠,足够的营养,边条r exercise, and the other sometimes mundane aspects of physical self-care can be challenging when you have a busy social, academic, or work schedule, but these things matter greatly.

Take sleep as an example. When you don't get adequate sleep, you can be more susceptible to health issues and stress and even face negative consequences long-term.



For example, if you need to learn healthy communication in your 20s, putting off learning those skills can lead to greater conflict in relationships and more emotional baggage to deal with as you move into your 30s. While it's never too late, it's best to take care of these things early


There are several ways you can work toward the goal of maintaining physical and emotional self-care.

  • 跟踪你的日程安排使用谷歌日历之类的工具。一定要像安排其他重要约会那样安排睡眠、锻炼和用餐。如果你不能腾出时间进行基本的身体自我护理,就调整你的其他承诺。
  • 为重要的关系腾出时间。Be sure you spend time with those who elevate you and bring you joy. Also, know when it's time to let go of a toxic relationship. Learning to protect yourself from those who continually put you down is part of emotional self-care.
  • Find a form of exercise you truly enjoy。Because of the physical and emotional benefits of exercise, this is important to prioritize, and starting early will only bring greater benefits as you go. Try classes and workouts with friends, as well as solitary physical activities so you really know what you respond to. Then make time for this on a regular basis.
  • Learn how to approach你们关系中的冲突。专注于自己的冲突和chang的一部分e what you can. Learn communication skills and try to see things from the other person's perspective. You don't have to make everyone your best friend, but try to use your relationships for personal growth as much as possible.

Find What Brings You Meaning

发现ing what brings meaning to your life is a vitally important goal for anyone at any age. That is because this one goal is connected with happiness and personal well-being in so many ways.

积极心理学研究表明万博maxbetx官网登陆有意义的生活can bring the highest levels of lasting happiness and contentment. Furthermore, those who bring meaning to the jobs they have—who connect what they do to concepts that are important to them and feel that what they do makes a difference—tend to be the happiest and enjoy their jobs the most. This can be true for any profession.

发现什么给你带来了什么意义and how you can use your personal strengths to follow this path. This can be an important buffer for stress and is considered an optimal goal by positive psychology researchers and many therapists.


There are several ways to bring meaning to anything you do, and the first step is to really examine your life and the meaning you can bring to it. Bring meaning to things you are already doing, and pursue activities that inherently bring meaning to your life.

  • Volunteerfor a cause you truly believe in.
  • Think about what would make the world a better place。考虑what you might be able to do to contribute to this solution.
  • 检查你的工作如何帮助别人, even if it just makes their lives a little easier or puts a smile on their faces. Keep this in mind when you go to work—always remember that your job makes a difference.


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