The Best Online Resources for Smoking Cessation





考虑这些line informational resources a rich portal of advice, guidance, and knowledge. This information is often put together in the form of articles, but each of the below resources also provide hotlines and chatlines for real-time support.

National Cancer Institute (NCI)

TheNCI’s Smokefree.govis an information portal with one primary intention: to provide resources that will help either you or someone you love quit smoking and stay smoke-free. provides the tools and tips to help you quit smoking, outlines the kinds of challenges you might experience when trying to quit, and offers advice for helping you stay smoke free once you've successfully quit.

除了在线网站,SmokeFree.gov还提供free texting programs拥有24/7个支持,以及应用程序(QuitGuide and quitSTART)您可以下载到您的手机。


The美国肺协会的肺极热线和烟草Quitline是一个网络的nurses and respiratory therapists that helps people better understand lungs, lung health, and lung disease. The Tobacco Quitline also provides users with help to quit using tobacco.

They provide a free hotline (call 1-800-586-4872 and press 2) where you can speak with someone directly, as well as一个聊天服务on their website.



自由烟草also provides a text messaging service that provides you 24/7 encouragement and advice, and the website provides有助于的药物指导that can make quitting easier.






成为前任is a free smoking cessation program that provides you with a customized quit plan that learns and grows with you through your journey. It also provides text message support, interactive guides and tools, and expert advice and tips from the Mayo Clinic.



An online forum is a place where others who are also trying to quit smoking (or already have) come together in a non-judgmental digital space. The goal is to share your experience, your trials, your errors, and your successes. It's also a place where you can encourage others.


Delphi是一个免费的在线论坛,简单,易于使用,易于遵循的界面。您不必注册用户名以阅读帖子,但如果您想参加对话,则必须执行此操作。着陆页提供了彻底的欢迎笔记,以便您开始。您也可以了解更多信息Delphi forum moderators here, including their own journey toward a smoke free life.

Reddit:戒烟论坛 a free social media website that has many “subreddits” that target specific interests. The StopSmoking subreddit is dedicated to those who wish to tackle their smoking addiction. Over 110,00 members are subscribed, and the forum is active.


Facebook: Quit Smoking Cigarettes Support Group

The Quit Smoking Cigarettes Support Groupis a free online forum located on the Facebook platform. It has a community of roughly 30,000 members. Though the name refers to quitting cigarettes, the community is open to anyone trying to quit smoking or a nicotine habit in general.


A Word From Verywell

Making the decision to quit smoking is a huge step. Like anything, the process will include ups and downs. Having access to resources and utilizing them regularly—especially when you’re in one of those ruts—can be pivotal in your success. Once you’ve overcome your smoking addiction, you might even wish to stay engaged in forums to help others.
