虽然曾经被认为是女性疾病,但是别人饮食障碍会折磨所有的家庭人。饮食障碍被诊断为所有年龄段的男性范围孩子们to older adults.
- 从饮食失调的研究中遗漏了雄性
- 缺乏男性及其家庭成员患有饮食障碍症状的识别
- Bias by professionals leading to less likelihood of eating disorder diagnosis in males
- 与男性相关的耻辱寻求帮助主要被视为女性疾病
- 通过饮食障碍治疗中心排除男性
- 饮食障碍治疗中心强烈的女性品牌(例如,粉红色和花卉主导的装饰,网站和营销材料上没有男性图像)
- Eating disorders presenting with different symptoms in males than in females
- 在大多数饮食障碍评估措施中对男性吃障碍行为的注意力不足
- 诊断标准是性别偏见的令人诊断患有雄性更难。
Eating disorders in males were first noted in 1689 when English physician Richard Morton described two cases of “nervous consumption,” one in a male patient. In 1874, Ernest Charles Lasegue and Sir William Gull made other case reports of males with anorexia nervosa.
在这些关键的早期病例后,患有饮食障碍的男性被边缘化,被认为是“罕见的”,并遗忘到1972年,当时Peter Beaumont和同事在男性受试者中研究了Anorexia神经系统。直到最近,雄性被排除在大多数治疗研究之外,导致诊断标准和治疗饮食障碍的治疗。
Less than 1% of all eating disorder research focuses specifically on males.
Consequently, eating disorders have been viewed through a female lens. Until the most current精神障碍的诊断和统计手册(DSM-5),为了满足厌食症的标准,amenorrhea—loss of a menstrual period—had to be present. Men were physiologically incapable of qualifying for a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Imagine that—unable to be diagnosed due to an anatomical impossibility!
最广泛的研究估计,雄性寿命患病率为0.3%神经性厌食症,0.5%的bulimia nervosa, and 2.0 percent for暴饮暴食症。
男性和女性饮食失调演示之间存在一些主要差异。患有饮食障碍的男性往往更老,具有更大的其他精神病问题(如焦虑,抑郁和物质使用),并从事更多自杀行为比雌性疾病的女性。患有饮食障碍的男性也具有更高的速度,以前过重。男人不太可能从事典型的清洗行为,更有可能使用锻炼as a compensatory behavior.
最后,因为of stigma, males are less likely to seektreatment。When they do, it is often after a long illness and they may thus be sicker and more entrenched in their disorder.
Some researchers propose that the more common presentation of eating disorders in men is muscularity-oriented disordered eating or muscle dysmorphia, initially termed反向厌食and sometimes calledbigorexia。肌肉腹腔目前在技术上被归类为一种身体腹腔,这本身都是一种强迫症。
It can also include distinct and alternating phases as people vacillate between eating first to increase muscle and then to decrease body fat.
研究人员还观察了“作弊饭菜”,计划高卡路里的膳食,在这种肌肉理想的服务中。与在饮食障碍更典型的女性呈现中看到的行为一样,这些行为也具有显着的医疗风险。然而,他们经常在雷达下飞行,因为它们通常被认为是健康的行为。一学习indicated that as many as 53 percent of competitive bodybuilders might have muscle dysmorphia.
虽然同性恋男性社区可能会有相对较多的饮食障碍,但大多数患有饮食障碍的患者都是异性恋。一学习found little connection between性取向and the发病率of eating disorders. Instead, the researchers identified a connection between性别识别and the eating disorder’sexpression:那些以更女性化的性别规范识别的人往往具有薄弱的身体问题,而那些用更多男性化规范鉴定的人倾向于肌肉发达的问题。
All of the various assessment tools commonly used to assess eating disorders were designed for use with females. As a result, they may not adequately identify an eating disorder in a male. For example, the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI) includes the item, “I think my thighs are too large.” This item is less likely to be endorsed by males because it does not reflect their body image concerns.
对应于上面的EDI项目的项目可能采取的形式,“我每天检查我的身体几次进行肌肉发达,” - 更为朝着传统的男性问题而导致。
The availability of new tools such as the Eating Disorder Assessment for Males, a male-specific assessment tool, should help more males get appropriately diagnosed.
There currently exist no specific treatments for eating disorders in males. When males have been included in studies, they seem to respond well to the same treatments that have been successful for females with eating disorders, especiallycognitive behavioral therapyfor adults and基于家庭的待遇(FBT)为青少年和年轻的成年人。FBT也已成功应用于青少年肌肉瘤畸形。这种治疗可以更多地关注限制运动并预防过量的蛋白质摄入而不是体重增加。
A Word From Verywell
如果您或您关心的人是一种患有饮食障碍的男性,请随时寻求帮助。虽然伸出帮助可能似乎可怕,但它是克服可以治疗的疾病的重要第一步。有特定性的组织,如National Association for Males With Eating Disordersthat can help.