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Eating disorders can be diagnosed by a number of professionals. This includes medical physicians or mental health professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, dietitians, or social workers.

Sometimes a pediatrician or family practice doctor will diagnose an eating disorder after noticing symptoms within the course of a regular check-up or having questions brought up by the patient or his or her parent. On other occasions, a patient or his or her family will have concerns and schedule an assessment with a mental health professional.


While eating disorders are serious illnesses with physical complications, there is no laboratory test to screen for eating disorders. However, there are multiple questionnaires and assessment tools that may be used to assess a person's symptoms. These may include self-report instruments, such as the Eating Disorder Inventory, theSCOFF Questionnaire,吃态度测试,或饮食障碍检查问卷(EDE-Q)。


  • 目前的饮食习惯
  • 一个人的重量是多少
  • Whether they have recently lost weight
  • 该人对体重,食物和身体形象的思考

A professional may also ask about physical symptoms, such as being cold much of the time or bruising easily.

患有饮食障碍的患者并不罕见,尤其是患者anorexia nervosa,不相信他们生病了。这是一个称为的症状anosognosia。所以,如果你担心朋友或爱人,他或她否认有问题,那就不一定意味着没有问题。

Within the course of a physical examination, a physician may also use a number of diagnostic tools, including–but not limited to–blood work, a bone density exam, and/or an electrocardiogram (EKG), to assess whether there are any medical complications from the eating disorder.

What Criteria Are Used to Diagnose Eating Disorders?

医生和心理健康专业人员使用诊断万博手机客户端标准Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition(DSM-5),诊断饮食障碍。DSM是由美国精神科协会发布的手册。它目前处于第五版。本书中的每个诊断类别都是根据临床医生的研究和反馈创建的。

While the best-known eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder, there are other eating disorders as well. People who are struggling with some of the symptoms of an eating disorder but do not meet full criteria or who are struggling with issues surrounding weight and food to the point that it is an issue in their life may also be diagnosed with其他指定或未指明的喂养和饮食障碍(OSFED or UFED).

Criteria for anorexia nervosa包括与体重低相关的症状,害怕体重增加,和身体形象issues.

Criteria for神经性贪食症包括每周至少三个月至少进行一次至少一次发生一次的经常性暴饮暴食,以及基于重量和/或身体形状的自我评估。

Criteria forbinge eating disorderinclude recurrent episodes of eating unusually large amounts of food at least once a week for three months. A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode needs to be present. At least 3 of these other features also have to be present.

  • 吃得比正常迅速
  • 吃直到感到不舒服
  • 在没有身体饥饿的时候吃大量的食物
  • 因为令人尴尬的是吃多少而单独吃饭
  • 感到厌恶自己,沮丧或之后非常有罪



What Happens After an Eating Disorder Diagnosis

将根据患者的需求制定治疗团队和治疗计划。这可能包括转诊到其他专业人员和/或更深入地评估症状。治疗团队可能包括治疗师,adietician那a medical physician, and a psychiatrist. Typically, the professional who diagnoses the eating disorder can help refer a person to other eating disorder professionals within the community.

A treatment plan may include门诊治疗住院治疗,或住宅治疗。通常,治疗包括患者及其家庭。


If you are concerned about having an eating disorder, you may also want to take ascreening testoffered through the国家饮食障碍协会

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Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  • 美国精神病学会。(2013)。精神疾病诊断与统计手册(5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

  • Costin, C. (2007).饮食障碍券(第3辑。)。纽约,纽约:麦格劳山。

  • Rosen, D.S. and the Committee on Adolescence (2010). Clinical Report: Identification and Management of Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents.儿科,126(6),1240-1253。