
Service animals help those with social anxiety disorder. Getty / Westend61

Are you interested in obtaining aservice animalto help you cope with social anxiety disorder (SAD)? There are different definitions and rules regarding animals that can help individuals with mental disabilities. Your choice of animal will depend on the circumstances that you face and your daily needs.

Definition of a Psychiatric Service Animal

While most people think of service animals as those that help individuals with physical disabilities (such as blindness), they also help those with medical conditions and psychiatric illness. In this way, psychiatric service animals are just one specific type of what is legally known as a "service animal."

Based on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), "a service animal is a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability."

Only dogs and miniature horses are recognized by the ADA as service animals as of March 15, 2011.

Note that the Fair Housing Act and Air Carrier Access Act have different definitions of assistance animals and service animals than the narrow definition of the ADA. Service animals may also be defined more broadly in your particular state or local area. Check with your state attorney general's office to learn what applies in your area.

情绪支持动物Vs Psychiatric Service Animal

According to the ADA, service animals are "working animals," not pets. Animals who are only there to offer comfort or emotional support for SAD and other mental illnesses (known as emotional support animals) are not recognized as服务动物by the ADA.

与服务动物不同,动物情感支持(ESA) are not trained in skills to support a disability. Generally, individuals who have emotional support animals do not require that these animals go with them in public places, while those with service animals do. So if you have SAD, an emotional support animal would be there to provide comfort but not do specific tasks for you.

What kinds of animals can serve as ESAs? Any type that you would normally consider a pet, including dogs, cats, birds, and exotic animals. ESAs are permitted to fly in the cabin of an aircraft and qualify for no-pet housing but have no other special privileges.

  • You need an animal to perform a major life task. For example, the dog can predict your panic attacks and lead you to a safe place.

  • You need the animal to accompany you to public places.

  • 除了悲伤之外,你还有一种可染色障碍,如抑郁和恐慌症。

  • The presence of an animal provides comfort.

  • 你不需要动物和你一起去公共场所。

  • You have social anxiety disorder.

Where You Can Take Your Service Animal

The ADA states that service animals must be permitted "to accompany people with disabilities in all areas where members of the public are allowed to go." Local governments, business, and non-profit organizations must comply with these rules.

If you have social anxiety disorder, your service animal has to be allowed to go anywhere that you go—from the cafeteria to the doctor's waiting room.

You also can't be charged an extra fee for your service animal, so if you're spending a night in a hotel with a pet fee, ask that it be waived.


Your service animal isnot requiredto wear a special vest or harness. This may be helpful if you live with social anxiety, as it could be traumatizing to have people ask about your service animal and why you need him or her. However, you should take small steps and talk to others about your animal when you are ready.

但是,有关于皮带的规定。在ADA下,您的服务动物需要戴着皮带或线束,除非这会干扰动物的工作 - 在这种情况下,您需要能够用声音或手动信号控制您的狗。

What You Can Legally Be Asked

When out in public, you may legally be asked "If your dog is required because of a disability?"和“W.hat work has your dog been trained to perform?"That's it. You don't need to answer any other questions that are asked.


Unfortunately, though, many individuals are not familiar with these rules.

Air Travel



The letter must state that you have a mental health disability listed in the DSM-5 (but they cannot ask for you to specify your diagnosis), that your animal is necessary for your health/treatment, and that the letter is written by a mental health professional caring for you. Airlines may also ask you for documentation about the mental health provider's license.



  • 提醒你拿走处方药
  • 提醒你令人焦虑,这样你就可以了留下一个情况before you become overwhelmed
  • 阻止别人太近了
  • 如果你已经被焦虑淹没了,导致你带来安静的地方或退出
  • 如果你即将晕倒,那就带你去座位
  • 如果你变得头晕或迷失方向,就会抚摸你
  • 使用K9救援电话调用911

Although having a service animal by your side may make it easier to talk to strangers, service animals are not supposed to be approached while they are performing tasks.

How to Obtain a Service Animal

获得服务动物的第一步如果您有社交焦虑症是与您的医生或心理健康专业人员交谈。万博手机客户端您需要有资格获得ADA下的服务动物 - 令人悲伤的诊断将足够。

If you don't have an official diagnosis, requesting an assessment will be your first step toward obtaining a service animal. You will then need to approach an agency to locate an animal. Your doctor may be able to provide a referral or contact an agency on your behalf.

Service animals are not provided for free—you will need to pay for the animal. So be sure that you have the financial resources to do so, as well as to provide care for the animal in the long term.

If the upfront cost of a service animal is too much, you could consider training an animal yourself. Be aware, however, that there will still be expenses over the years. You should budget about $2,000 a year for your animal.





If you feel comfortable, have your animal wear a vest, harness, or patch—these will usually say "Service Dog“或类似的东西。该美国服务狗登记处(USSDR)提供注册表free and voluntary online self-registration.


In a study of the role of pets among 177 individuals with serious mental illness, it was found that pets helped by providing empathy, making social connections easier, being a "family" member, and strengthening sense of self-efficacy and empowerment.

This study shows that pets are more than just companions. If you are not so severely impaired by your social anxiety that you need a service animal, a regular pet—be it a dog, cat, bird, iguana, whatever you feel comfortable with—just might give you the added support and confidence to face your social fears.

A Word From Verywell

While it may seem confusing at first, obtaining an animal to help with your social anxiety does not need to be difficult. Consider which type of animal is most suited to your situation (service animal, emotional support animal, or family pet), contact your medical professional as necessary, and evaluate your ability to support an animal in your home.

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