刺激概括refers to the tendency of the objects similar to the conditioned stimulus to also evoke a similar response. For example, people usually aren't afraid of just a single type of spider. The fear generalizes to all kinds of spiders and even other organisms that share similar characteristics.
约翰B.沃森was one of the early advocates for behaviorism. His seminal paper "Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It" was originally delivered as a lecture at Columbia University and later published the Psychological Review. The paper outlined the behaviorist view that psychology should be the science of observable behaviors.
在操作性调节中,加强involves anything that increases the likelihood that a response will occur again in the future. In a classroom, for example, a teacher might reinforce desirable behaviors by offering treats, praise or special privileges.
主要加强器are naturally-occurring and require no learning. They are usually biological and include things such as food, water, sleep and sex.Secondary reinforcers另一方面,只有与初级加强件相关的才能加强。金钱是二级加强队员的一个很好的例子。
In变速比时间表那加强is delivered following an unpredictable number of responses. Sometimes the subject might respond just once, while other times they might have to respond many times before reinforcement is given. Slot machines and other forms of gambling are examples of variable-ratio schedules. Such schedules typically lead to high, steady rates of response.
尽管加强is used to increase the likelihood that responses will reoccur,punishment涉及任何减少在未来再次发生的行为的机会的事情。例如,如果实验室大鼠在执行动作后接收电击,例如,它们将不太可能再次接合该动作。电击是一种惩罚。
B.F. Skinner操作调节was influenced by Edward Thorndike'slaw of effect那which suggested that actions followed by desirable outcomes were more likely to be repeated. In operant conditioning, reinforcement increases behaviors while punishment decreases them.
尽管伊万帕夫洛夫是心理学中最重要的思想家之一,他真的是一个生理学家。万博maxbetx官网登陆这是在他的实验在狗的消化系统上(他后来获得贵族奖),他意外地提出了他的着名发现classical conditioningprocess.
负强化involves removing an aversive stimulus in order to strengthen a response. When you forget to turn your seatbelt on, your car may make an annoying sound until you buckle up. The irritating sound is an example of a negative reinforcer.
Keep your knowledge fresh by reviewing some of the key differences betweenclassical and operant conditioning。
Don't feel bad - many behavioral concepts can be quite challenging, especially for beginners. Fortunately, a little further study can help you master these concepts and ace your psychology exams.
首先学习更多关于历史的更多信息行为主义as well as some of the most influential behavioral thinkers including伊万帕夫洛夫那约翰B.沃森和B.F. Skinner.。
Also explore some of the basics ofclassical conditioning和操作调节,以及一些关键两者之间的差异types of conditioning.