Negative reinforcement is a term described byB. F. Skinner.在他的理论中operant conditioning。在负强化中,通过停止,去除或避免负面结果或厌恶刺激来加强反应或行为。
Aversive stimuli tend to involve some type of discomfort, either physical or psychological. Behaviors are negatively reinforced when they allow you to escape from aversive stimuli that are already present or allow you to completely avoid the aversive stimuli before they happen.
One of the best ways to remember negative reinforcement is to think of it as something beingsubtractedfrom the situation.
- 在海滩前往海滩的一天之前,你露出防晒霜(行为),以避免晒伤(去除厌恶刺激)。
- You decide to clean up your mess in the kitchen (the behavior) to avoid getting into a fight with your roommate (removal of the aversive stimulus).
- On Monday morning, you leave the house early (the behavior) to avoid getting stuck in traffic and being late for work (removal of an aversive stimulus).
- At dinner time, a child pouts and refuses to each the vegetables on her plate. Her parents quickly take the offending veggies away. Since the behavior (pouting) led to the removal of the aversive stimulus (the veggies), this is an example of negative reinforcement.
Can you identify the negative reinforcer in each of these examples? Sunburn, a fight with your roommate and being late for work are all negative outcomes that were avoided by performing a specific behavior. By eliminating these undesirable outcomes, preventative behaviors become more likely to occur again in the future.
One mistake that people often make is confusing negative reinforcement with惩罚。Remember, however, that negative reinforcement involves the移动of a negative condition to strengthen a behavior.
惩罚涉及呈现或剥夺刺激weakena behavior.
Timmy is supposed to clean his room every Saturday morning. Last weekend, he went out to play with his friend without cleaning his room. As a result, his father made him spend the rest of the weekend doing other chores like cleaning out the garage, mowing the lawn, and weeding the garden, in addition to cleaning his room.
If something is being added or applied as a consequence of a behavior, then it is an example of punishment. If something is being removed in order to avoid or relieve an unwanted outcome, then it is an example of negative reinforcement in action.
Negative reinforcement can be an effective way to strengthen the desired behavior. However, it is most effective when reinforcers are presented immediately following a behavior. When a long period elapses between the behavior and the reinforcer, the response is likely to be weaker.
In some cases, behaviors that occur in the intervening time between the initial action and the reinforcer are may also be inadvertently strengthened as well.
有些专家认为,负强化应该在课堂设置中谨慎使用positive reinforcement应该强调。
While negative reinforcement can produce immediate results, it may be best suited for short-term use.
A Word From Verywell