- Holding on to negative feelings about minor annoyances could have long-term effects on your psychological well-being, a new study suggests.
- 这种心理习惯,即使是几秒钟太长,可能会导致长期压力。
- The good news is that you can train your brain through mindfulness to take a more positive and productive approach to negative moments.
据一项研究,无论多么轻微,你的大脑如何变得越来越小,你的大脑如何变得越小,而且驳回了积极的经历 - 这可能对你的心理健康有了长期影响万博手机客户端Journal of Neuroscience。
这项研究的牵头作者说,这些“活动”可能是稍纵即逝的作者,Nikki Puccetti,博士(c)在迈阿密大学心理学系。万博maxbetx官网登陆例如,从你的老板上收到早晨的咖啡,或者从你的老板接收睾丸电子邮件,或者在交通中被切断是那种似乎容易刷掉的那种日常烦恼,但是当他们徘徊时,它可能会影响你的观点,更快乐普科特蒂说,瞬间。
Over time, this could have an impact on psychological well-being and could even change your brain function to some degree.
Seeing the Negative
在这项研究中,研究人员查看了52人的数据,他们参加了更大的研究努力Midlife in the United States,旨在调查为什么有些人在中年期间比其他人经历更好的健康和幸福。
Puccetti注意到了as asygdala的作用,是与情绪相关的大脑的一部分,特别是恐惧和愤怒的作用。当观看负面形象时,Amygdala“点亮”的参与者往往报告较低的心理幸福率一般。
Those with less amygdala persistence showed the opposite result, reporting a greater positive outlook in terms of daily life and overall—even if they held on to negative reactions for only a few seconds shorter.
Nikki Puccetti,Phd
These results inform our understanding of more enduring, long-term evaluations of well-being.
Long-term, you could begin to show signs of what’s called an过度活跃的amygdala.,这意味着具有更多的反应性情绪反应,使您的压力水平刺入。如果发生这种情况,您可能有可能有慢性压力的风险和与之带来的健康类型,包括:
- 焦虑和抑郁症
- 睡眠障碍或失眠
- Higher risk of metabolic syndrome
- Cardiovascular disease
For those who already have strong fear and anxiety responses, the effect may be even more pronounced.
In the recent study, Puccetti says less amygdala persistence predicted more positive thinking and psychological well-being even seven years after the fMRI scans, which means focusing on how you view negative events now may have a very long-lasting effect.
只是告诉自己不要是消极的,或者停止坚持消极的想法,如果它实际上有利。但好消息是,正如你无意识地教导你的大脑让想法徘徊,你可以帮助它造成这种习惯,据特拉维斯威斯布鲁克, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist from Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center who specializes in depression, anxiety, and life transitions.
“Mindfulness training is exactly that, a form of training,” he says. “That means much like building a muscle, it takes time for this to get stronger.”
特拉维斯威斯布鲁克, PhD
Mindfulness training is exactly that, a form of training. That means much like building a muscle, it takes time for this to get stronger.
This approach focuses on the ability to be fully present, and popular apps like Calm, Headspace, and many others offer a guided practice that emphasizes letting thoughts flow without attachment to them.
根据2014年的研究,mindfulnesscan help reduce focus on negative thoughts by helping you learn to recognize and to control your emotions. Some other options include:
- 冥想
- 日记
- Yoga
- Mindful eating
- Active listening
- 深呼吸
- Walking outdoors
“意识是真正在选择wh的第一步at works for you, and it’s helpful to play around with different strategies to find the right fit,” says Westbrook. “Also, think of this as a lifelong practice, there’s no finish line here. You’re just learning to see your thoughts and emotions and the effect they may be having, and gently steer your mind in another direction.”
What This Means For You
Adopting more mindfulness practices and recognizing the effects of negative thoughts can help you veer away from unhealthy negativity toward potentially long-term psychological well-being.