In an attempt to address this ongoing concern, a recent study published inJAMA网络发现,顾家的预防项目免费used on protective caregiving have the capacity to help mitigate some of the harmful effects that systemic racism and discrimination can have on long-term mental health.
该研究包括对两项随机临床试验的分析,其中包括502岁及16岁之间的参与者,这些参与者在测试的家庭中心预防计划中,以强大的非洲裔美国家庭 - 青少年(SAF-T)方案和成人在制作中(瞄准)计划。这两个方案在2007年至2008年期间在格鲁吉亚12个农村县的地点内颁布。
Nekeisha Hammond博士says, “Racism and discrimination can affect the mental health of youth by increasing the likelihood of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and low self-confidence, to name a few. Youth can have difficulties with identity development, as they struggle with the lack of diversity and inclusion throughout their communities.”
The Role of Trauma in Youth Behavior
Theeffects of racial discriminationshow up in various ways, especially for youth. “Racism, discrimination, and prejudice can also impact behavioral issues, as some youth may externalize their frustration or sadness, in the form of 'acting out,'” says Hammond.
有些案例显示黑人和棕色学生被报告给当局或接受比白色同行的严重惩罚。这是教师和执法偏见的结果,以及其他形式的制度种族主义。此外,进入核心系统会影响您的社会站立和职业轨迹,从而导致高累犯率for those who are ultimately incarcerated.
哈蒙德说,“不幸的是,在黑人社区中缺乏教育,为青年心理健康。万博手机客户端由于心理健康治疗的耻辱,许多人不寻求万博手机客户端therapeutic services。"
The Importance of Family Involvement
LCSW的创伤知情顾问Sabrina Sarro表示,家庭参与“有助于重新路由障碍,以获得治愈,健康和蓬勃发展。这有助于进一步结晶社区支持,Camaraderie,对青年的爱。有一个整个支持家庭与一个人的支持人员可以大大改善进入Tombetter心理健康,并且可以重新释放适应性万博手机客户端coping strategies。”
Even with this data highlighting the ways in which we can address the aftermath of创伤和心理健万博手机客户端康的影响discrimination, it is important to remember that the root cause of these gaps in mental wellness for Black youth and their families is the discrimination itself. For the Black community, which has dealt with the repercussions of an unbalanced society for centuries, positive intervention methods can provide a major boost.
Sarro says, “This can change everything. This can literally save the life of a child or young adult. This codes who will fight for the young person. Having more support only helps to fortify the young person and advocate for them in getting what they deserve. How the young person will perceive their access to community backing and support. Collective voices often produce more power than a single voice, although of course, not always.”
Holistic and Trauma-Informed Care
When it comes to interacting with children, addressing your own偏见and judgements is vital to the success of the youth that you engage with. Sarro says, “Approaching things from a holistic perspective means we are being intersectional in our assessment of that development, and are understanding that the word 'development' is quite subjective." That is especially true, she says, given that people of color are often faced with白色至上。
There is a common theme of encouragingresilience随着青春的颜色,而这是成年人所需的技能,颜色的孩子也应该是孩子。哈蒙德说,“重要的是,黑人青年真的听到,他们的感受验证。而不是被人们被告知“克服它”或“刷掉”他们的强烈情绪,而是在他们可以开始处理他们的感受的地方至关重要。“
These behaviors of dismissal can show up within the family as well—the work to address problems from a person-centered angle and being educated about the ways trauma shows up is vital in every avenue of a child's life. This is one of the reasons why ensuring the family has a role in the prevention programs is vital to the success of the youth.