
A New Approach to Combat High Recidivism Rates Amongst Black Men


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  • The U.S. has one of the highest rates of incarceration in the world, with Black men being the highest demographic.
  • 累犯has consistently been an issue, and specifically in that demographic.
  • Holistic intervention methods are needed to address core issues.


此外,收缩率 - 由于额外的收费或违法行为而重复监禁 - 在黑人群体中也更高。佛罗里达州大西洋大学的一项研究报告监狱教育与重返社会杂志sought to better understand this unfortunate reality and investigate some approaches that could help reverse the situation.



Data show that Black men are arrested and charged at higher rates and given longer sentences than their White counterparts.虽然他们更有可能参与康复项目,但他们处理的累犯人数更多。

As it stands today, a significant percentage of incarcerated individuals are likely to be rearrested within three years, a massive failure in a system that is ostensibly intended to rehabilitate incarcerated people.

The Effects on Community



Researchers attribute the regularity of negative interaction with police coupled with thesystemic racism黑人和个人是导致这些倾斜的累犯率的主要因素。

Precious Skinner-Osei, PhD, lead author of the FAU study, says, "Many factors contribute to the high recidivism rates of African American men, but how their environment perceives them plays a significant role. Therefore, they respond differently to the environment compared to their non-African American counterparts."

Skinner-Osei表示,重新进入计划必须考虑许多黑人面孔的压迫因素,包括过去的创伤,特别是those associated with the prison system. "参与刑事司法系统的机构必须成为改变司法制度的解决办法的一部分恶劣的环境她说:“这些人都有经验。

蕾妮Skedel, LPC


-Renee Skedel,LPC公司


FAU的这项研究是对2018年一项关于黑人父亲与重返社会、累犯和团聚斗争的研究的重新分析。This new study took into account changes with documented race-based policing, criminal justice reform efforts, and recent mental health initiatives.

This study included Black, male-identified participants, ranging from 23-56, from a rehabilitation program in southeastern Florida who had been in prison at least once and participated in at least three re-entry programs.

这项研究表明,一个涉及司法的个人康复计划的真正成功取决于一个整体和文化能力的方法。蕾妮Skedel,LPC和俄亥俄州司法中心精神卫生专业人员支持这种方法,并说万博手机客户端:“当一个人认为整个人时 - 而不是专注于一个部分(例如,性取向或种族) - 它更有效。通过使用一个整体的观点,我们允许自己将这个人视为整个系统,而不是简单地将它们分成零件;反过来,我们给他们的空间,以及潜在的希望是挑战自己的观点,他们的生活和其他人。“


Improving the Path to Societal Re-Entry


在最初的研究中,作者发现了五个主要主题:创伤、自我认同、重返社会、团聚和累犯。这些包括诸如压力、制度化、资源、释放后环境、世代虐待和暴力等分主题遗弃, 和住房.

In the re-analysis of the data, researchers found four new themes: psychological profile, cognitive behavior, emotions, and environment. The new analysis also covered sub-themes such aspost-traumatic stress同龄人压力和情绪不安全感。

The results of the study encourage a CARE approach to re-entry programming:

  • 合作:研究人员发现有益的方法非常重视认知、行为和社会学习技巧,同时包括个人的人际关系,以帮助加强积极的信息传递。
  • Amend:研究人员坚信,需要改变整体政策的个人蓬勃发展后蓬勃发展。政治也将有助于社会耻辱,而串联的这些事情将在稳定的住房和就业方面转向资源。
  • 重返社会:这项研究引用了美国之音(VOA)等项目,通过这些项目,参与司法工作的人可以与未来的潜在雇主建立联系,获得并展示他们的工作技能,并有可能减少对他们过去因污名而造成的违规行为的担忧。
  • Empowerment:所有这些都会减少与违法行为有关的社区和个人影响,最终增加涉及司法的个人在社区中的参与及其生活质量。

What This Means For You


In order to truly engage in culture shift and address stigma, policies need to be changed, resources have to be offered, in addition to the impacted individuals being treated as their whole entire selves.

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