What Is Writing Therapy?
许多治疗师使用写作治疗,以帮助青少年用书面文字提示他们的感受。有时叫杂志疗法, writing therapy uses various exercises to open a dialogue between teens and therapists that can help improve their mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.
There are therapists who are trained specifically in writing or journal therapy, just as there are art and music therapists.
- 诗歌
- 评书
- 叙事
- 对话
- 幽默的故事
- Journaling
- 它可以很容易地适应青少年正在处理的任何问题或情况。
- Research has shown that this type of expressive therapy is effective in improving both mental and physical health.
- 写作治疗通常用于增强个人和group therapy会话。青少年可以写出难以讨论的治疗或痛苦经历的问题。
In this type of therapy, a teen can freely express whatever comes to mind or focus on certain problems or feelings.
There are a number of ways that writing therapy helps teens heal:
- 写下特定主题,例如描述他们的抑郁症的感觉。
- 写一封信给一个青少年对愤怒感到愤怒的人。
- 有毒品问题的青少年可以写一封信给他们的选择药物。他们描述了它对他们的重要性,这可以将问题的范围带到他们的现实中。
- Track new behaviors such as not using drugs or notcuttingthemselves.
- 通过探索和表达愤怒来放松蒸汽。
- A daily diary to confide in and sort out feelings.
- 通过阅读随着时间的推移写入的条目来获得自我理解。
Why Writing Therapy Helps Troubled Teens
Teens most likely to benefit from writing therapy are those who are introspective and enjoy writing. Any type of teen problem can be addressed through the process of writing therapy.
Some parents may be wondering whether keeping a journal on their own will be enough for their teen.
通过公关治疗师可以指导一个不良少年oductive writing exercises that target specific issues and problems. They will also assist the teen in using their written words to explore the issue in-depth and, hopefully, come to a solution or alternative behavior.