Family Therapy for Troubled Teens

Family in counselling session, close-up

Bruce Ayres / Getty Images

In dealing with a troubled teen, parents may disagree about what is causing the problems or how to respond. Siblings may often resent the increased focus on the teen who's having issues. Family therapy is proven to be an effective way to help the troubled teen and their family.


Our families and their individual dynamics have a profound and lifelong impact on us. They are like their whole own social system, and certainly, along with peers, the most important influence.

Involving the entire family in therapy for a troubled teenager can help deal with issues between family members, show the family how to relate to and support the teen, help each family member learn to change unhealthy reactions to each other and help everyone learn effective communication skills.

Research continues to clearly show that family therapy is an effective treatment and that it has the power to quickly identify problem areas.


  • 获得特定therapistreferrals from informed sources, including friends who've participated in family therapy, health care professionals, insurance companies, clergy, employee assistance programs and/orprofessional organizations
  • Make sure the therapist has specialized training in family therapy, and specifically in helping teens, such as a licensed clinical social worker or marriage and family therapist.
  • 对于家庭治疗有效,治疗师需要与家人合适,被认为是知识渊博,乐于助人的人,并且能够从青少年开始谈话。如果不是这种情况,请向治疗师询问对可能更合适的其他治疗师的转介。

Getting Family Members to Agree to Participate


Preparing for the First Session

Be prepared to answer the primary question that will be asked by the therapist, “What do you want to change?” Talk to other family members, especially your teenager, about their answers to this question as well.

你也可能想记录你的时候青少年的令人不安的行为started and any contributing factors you are aware of. Make a list of questions for the therapist such as:

  • What is your approach to working with families and why does it work?
  • How long will it take to start seeing changes?
  • 你有什么样的成功率?
  • 我们每个人都可以做些什么来帮助实现积极的经验?

研究表明,当治疗师使用来自不同学校的方法组合时,治疗尤其有效psychotherapybased on the family's individual needs rather than just focusing on one approach.

How Long Will Therapy Take?


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