- burning the skin with a cigarette, match or lighter
- 击中胸部或四肢
- 撞到墙上
- 从头或其他地方拉头发
- re-opening or picking at wounds
- 咬人或捏皮肤
Why Do Teens Cut Themselves?
Teens who hurt themselves aren't crazy and their self-injury doesn't mean they're suicidal. Instead, it just means they're having trouble coping with their pain in a healthy manner.
It also provides a sense of control. A teen who engages in self-injury is likely to feel like they can control the pain better. In addition, the injury releases endorphins into the bloodstream, which also provides a temporary boost of mood.
So a stressed-out teen may cut their arms as a way to relieve stress. Or a teen who is struggling to deal with a breakup may cut their chest as a way to experience physical pain, as opposed to just emotional pain.
How to Help a Teen Who Self-Harms
You may see scratches or cuts on a teen who is engaging in self-injury. You might notice bandages or your teen may wear long sleeves or cover their body even when it's hot outside.
If you suspect your teen is deliberately injuring themself, it's important to intervene. These steps can help you start a discussion and find them the专业帮助他们需要。
1. Ask your teen directly if they are engaging in self-harm.通常,直接方法是最有效的。清楚的是,你的目标是帮助他们,不要判断或惩罚问:“你有没有故意削减你的手臂?”或者“你伤害自己吗?”
2.承认你的青少年的痛苦。Telling a teen to stop or passing judgment won't be effective. Validate their feelings and express concern that they must be feeling really bad if they are hurting themself.
3. Identify activities your teen can do when she feels the urge to hurt herself.致电朋友,去散步,或者绘画只是一些可能的活动,可以帮助你的青少年以更健康的方式表达她的感受。
5. Help your teen create a list of people to talk to。Talking to trusted friends and family can help her面对压力并减少她的自我伤害。列出您的青少年的关怀成年人可以联系到祖父母,阿姨或叔叔,朋友的父母,或你的青少年可以信任的邻居。
6. Be patient with your teen。Self-harming behavior takes the time to develop and will take the time to change. It is ultimately up to the teen to make the choice to help herself.