哈里斯民意调查管理调查,代表了Anxiety and Depression Association of America,这美国基金会的自杀预防, and the国家行动联盟自杀预防,2015年8月。
两千二十个成年人回应。大约10%的受访者(n = 198)是18-25岁。以下结果摘要在这个“新兴成年人”亚组中突出显示结果:
- College-aged U.S. adults are more likely to have visited a mental health professional compared to older U.S. adults (18% vs. 11%), but less likely to have seen a primary care physician (53% vs 18%), within the past 12 months.
- 这些新兴成年人的绝大多数(87%)认为心理健康和身体健康对自己的健康同样重要。万博手机客户端
- One in 10 (10%) view mental health as more important than physical health.
- 与老年人相比,大学成年人更有可能看待心理健康专业人员作为力量的标志(60%与35%)。万博手机客户端
- 然而,近一半(46%)的年轻人认为心理健康护理,因为大多数人不能承担的东西,33%的人认为这对大多数人来说都万博手机客户端是无法进入或难以找到的。
- 年轻的成年人更有可能报告他们认为他们可能有精神障碍(65%的老年人,45%的成年人),43%的受访者表明他们认为他们与焦虑/加仑斗争(与24%老年人)。13%的年轻成年小组报告他们可能已经gad。
- Nearly half (45%) of the college-aged adults have been formally diagnosed with a mental health condition by a doctor/healthcare professional, with common diagnoses being depression (33%) and anxiety disorder (27%). Five percent of these young adults declared themselves as having been diagnosed with GAD.
- 大约一半(51%)的新兴成人组治疗了心理健康状况。万博手机客户端The most common types of treatment were in-person psychotherapy (29%) or处方药(28%)。一小部分个人(6%)已经尝试了替代治疗,例如瑜伽或冥想。
- 焦虑症状对年轻成年人来说是明确的,负面影响。在过去一年受雇的大学成年人中,近四分之一(23%)因焦虑而错过了工作。[特别是,由于抑郁症状,该亚组的近三分之一(31%)报告了缺失的工作日。]
With regard to suicide, the survey found that a clear majority of the college-aged respondents were aware that life stressors (for example, bullying or difficulties in close relationships) and mental health problems could increase a person’s risk of suicide. Yet many more of the young adults surveyed identified a mood disorder as a risk factor for suicide rather than an anxiety disorder (86% and 52%, respectively).