糖 - 美国最喜欢的药物。吃太多它可以导致肥胖,糖尿病和心脏病。但是当你吃太少的时候会发生什么?近年来,低碳水化合物饮食变得非常受欢迎。虽然这些饮食往往对身体有很多有益的影响,但完全切断糖可以比你想象的更难。转移到流行的酮饮食的人经常经常出现糖,因此他们甚至有一个名字:keto流感。
Sugar causes a release of endorphins in the brain. These are your body’s natural opioids. It’s possible that your body craves these extra opioids when they’re gone, causing withdrawal. Sugar also causes a release of dopamine, which plays a major role in habit formation.
如果您从您的饮食中取消了所有糖来源,包括水果和乳制品,那么您可能会经历keto流感。酮饮食中的人们每天从碳水化合物中消耗少于10% - 这可能小于20克碳水化合物。无需获得糖或其他碳水化合物,身体没有葡萄糖的来源。葡萄糖就像我们的细胞的燃料,而且没有它,我们开始饿死。身体被迫转向替代燃料源的脂肪储存,这导致赋予酮症的病症。酮症是令人不快的。
Signs and Symptoms
Neurotransmitters are the brain’s chemical messengers. There are billions of these molecules at work all the time, sending messages throughout your nervous system that allow you to think, move, breathe, etc.
- 在tense cravings for something sweet
- 对其他碳水化合物的强烈渴望,如薯条或意大利面
- Irritability
- 情绪沮丧
If you are on a ketogenic diet, your symptoms may be more severe than those caused by cutting down on added sugars. This drastic drop in carbs causes the body to enter a state of ketosis, which works differently in everyone. You may enter ketosis after cutting your carbohydrates to 50 grams per day, whereas someone else may need to cut them to 10 grams or under. It can take your body a few days to enter a state of ketosis.
在ce ketosis begins, you may notice symptoms such as:
- 恶心
- Fatigue
- Headache
- 肌肉痉挛
- Bad breath
- 弱点
- 便秘或腹泻
How you cope with the symptoms of sugar withdrawal will depend on your goals and reasons for reducing your sugar intake. If your goal is to transition to a ketogenic diet, then you will have to give your body time to adjust.
酮饮食可能具有健康益处,特别是某些癫痫和其他神经障碍的人。如果您正在寻找健康原因的酮饮食,您可能需要遭受不舒服的症状一会儿。想想它就像一个实际的流感 - 你只需要忍受它。如果您的症状在三周后没有改善,请与您的医生交谈。
If you are doing a low-carb or keto diet for weight loss purposes, you can consider altering your approach. A low-carb diet has many of the same health benefits as a keto diet, including weight loss. The only difference is that your body will not enter a state of ketosis. Ketosis can lead to rapid weight loss, but it is usually temporary.
The long-term health implications of low-carb diets have not been fully explored. Some doctors fear that it could contribute to bone loss and several chronic diseases. To reduce the risk of heart disease, the American Heart Association recommends eating a balanced diet, rich in lean proteins, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables.
你也可以看看American Heart Association’sexcellent collection of recipes, which are specifically designed to help you change your eating habits for good.
If you are worried that you may be struggling with a food addiction or a binge eating disorder, consider looking into peer-to-peer support groups in your area, such as食物上瘾者的匿名orFOROFER的匿名者。
Reducing your sugar intake is an admirable goal. Just remember that the best diets are not really diets at all, but changes in your eating behaviors. Old habits are hard to break, especially when you try and quit cold-turkey. Instead, start with small changes. Try to feel proud of the small steps you’re taking rather than guilty about the changes yet to be made. Each small step will build upon the last, taking you straight into a healthier tomorrow.