

Substance or medication-induced sleep disorder is the official diagnostic name for insomnia and other sleep problems which are caused by the use of alcohol, drugs, or taking certain medications. Roughly translated, that means that one of the effects of drinking alcohol, using a drug, or taking a medication, is having a problem with getting to sleep at the time you want to sleep, staying asleep at the time you want to sleep, excessive sleepiness during the day, or unusual behaviors when you do sleep.

Substance or medication-induced sleep disorder is different from the occasional difficulty with getting to sleep or staying asleep that is actually quite normal.


Which Drugs Cause Substance/Medication-Induced Sleep Disorder?

A wide variety of psychoactive substances can cause substance-induced sleep disorder, including:

  • Alcohol
  • 咖啡因
  • 大麻
  • Opioids
  • Sedatives
  • Hypnotics
  • Anxiolytics
  • Amphetamines
  • 可卡因
  • 烟草
  • 其他物质或兴奋剂


  • Adrenergic agonist or antagonists
  • 多巴胺激动剂或拮抗剂
  • 胆碱能激动剂或拮抗剂
  • Serotonergic激动剂或拮抗剂
  • 抗组胺药
  • 皮质类固醇







  • 失眠类型:随着失眠的睡眠障碍,你可能难以睡觉或睡着了,夜间醒来,或者没有感到沉睡。
  • 白天嗜睡类型:With the daytime sleepiness type of sleep disorder, the person feels excessively sleepy or tired during the daytime, or, less often, sleeps for a very long time, perhaps longer than they wanted or intended to.
  • Parasomnia类型:随着Parasomnia类型的睡眠障碍,您可以在睡眠期间体验异常行为,其中大多数人在床上睡着时大多数人仍然和安静(除了可能的打鼾除外)。
  • 混合类型:随着睡眠障碍的混合类型,受影响的人有几种不同的睡眠症状,但没有特别的症状占主导地位。例如,他们可能在夜间失眠,例如白天睡觉。


In some cases, a sleep disorder can be induced almost immediately after taking a drug or medication. According to diagnostic guidelines for physicians and other healthcare professionals who assess sleep disorders, there is even a category "with onset during intoxication," which means that the sleep disturbance actually begins when the individual was under the influence of alcohol, a recreational drug, or medication.




When physicians or other healthcare professional give a diagnosis of substance/medication-induced sleep disorder, they check to make sure that the sleep problem wasn't there before the use of alcohol, drugs, or medications thought to be responsible. This is because there are different types of sleep problems, and if the symptoms were there before the substance use, it isn't the substance or medication-induced type of sleep disorder.






The irony of substance-induced sleep disorder is that many people affected by it drink, take drugs, or use medications to try and get to sleep, yet those same drugs actually interfere with getting a good night's sleep afterward. For this reason, people often don't realize that it is alcohol, drugs or medications that are causing the sleep problems, because they associate those substances with inducing sleep.

Sleep problems can have many different causes, ranging from stress to the normal effects of aging. Therefore, physicians might not realize the true nature of the problem, because many people arenot open with their physicianabout alcohol or drug use, due to stigma and fear of being judged. They may also lie about how much of a prescription medication or over the counter medication they are using, for fear of being cut off from their supply of medication. People who do admit to alcohol and drug use will also often underestimate or under-report the amount of alcohol or drugs they are using. All of these factors make it quite common for people to not get the right diagnosis of substance/medication-induced sleep disorder.

A Word From Verywell


Once you have discontinued the drug that caused your sleep problems, your sleep patterns will take time to return to normal. Be patient. The best ways to support this process are:

  • 设置和粘在定期睡眠和醒来时
  • 在白天常规运动
  • 早上出门,有助于重置你的“身体时钟”
  • 避免压力
  • 良好的营养,不睡觉过于饥饿或满满
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  • 美国精神病学协会,精神障碍诊断和统计手册,第五版,DSM-5。美国精神病学会,2013年。