The most recent edition of the DSM, published by the American Psychiatric Association (theDSM-V.)列出“创伤和压力源相关疾病”类别下的可行科目,并将其定义为“暴露于实际或威胁的死亡,严重伤害或性暴力”。
- 在创伤后开始或恶化的唤醒和反应性的改变(例如,危险或破坏性行为,超级矛盾和提高的惊吓反应)
- Intrusion symptoms such as persistently re-experiencing upsetting memories, nightmares, or flashbacks.
- 展示感情或外部提醒的避免行为。
- 在创伤后的认知和情绪中的至少两个负变化(例如,在创伤后开始或恶化(例如无法召回创伤的关键特征,过度消极的思想和对自己或世界的假设,夸大了自己或他人导致创伤的责任,负面影响,对活动的兴趣降低,感觉孤立,遇到积极影响的困难)
- 在创伤后至少六个月至少达到事件或诊断标准之前,症状的发作可能会立即发生,直到创伤后至少六个月(指定为延迟发作)
- 持续超过一个月的症状
- 遇险或功能损伤(社会,职业)
- 症状不是由于药物,物质使用或其他疾病。
- In some cases, dissociative symptoms that may occur such as depersonalization (the feeling of being detached from oneself) or derealization (a feeling of unreality)
According to the National Health Service (NHS), a formal PTSD diagnosis does not usually apply to circumstances like "divorce, job loss or failing exams.”
“重点诊断需要一些危及生命的危及生命或对身体诚信的威胁,”Sheela Raja,Ph.D.,许可的临床心理学家,以及“克服创伤和接触者”的作者。她继续说离婚不会导致第四杆菌。但是,症状仍有相似之处。
Several studies have found that following relationship dissolution, many people manifest symptoms similar to those experienced by people who have survived highly stressful situations.
What some researchers refer to as “post-dissolution PTSS” (post-traumatic stress symptoms) is characterized by the re-experiencing of symptoms, including intrusive thoughts or dreams about the dissolution and avoidance behaviors.
- 关于自己或世界的过度消极的想法
- 夸张的自责或责任他人
- 对活动的兴趣减少
- 感觉孤立
- Irritability or aggression
- 偏执狂
- 危险或破坏性的行为
- 难以集中光
- 困难睡觉。
根据心理治疗师Toni Coleman,“如果一个人经历了一种尖锐的,抽出,昂贵,耗时的,而生活方式改变离婚......它可以导致波动的焦虑症状,其中ptsd root。这些症状是result of the divorce trauma being embedded in the person’s subconscious mind and then experienced as recurrent fears and bad memories."
A history of past trauma is also a risk factor for developing PTSD post-divorce. “In people with PTSD from past trauma,” says psychiatrist Dr. Susan Edelman, “the breakup of a relationship can lead to worsening symptoms of post-traumatic stress and psychological well-being.”
如果您或亲人正在与PTSD挣扎,请联系药物滥用和心理健康服务管理局(Samhs万博手机客户端a)国家帮助热线在1-800-662-4357for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.
当一段关系的结束本身not meet the trauma criteria for a PTSD diagnosis as it is defined by the DSM, the effects can be just as devastating. Having a strong social support network is essential. Reaching out to family and friends, joining a support group or seeking out a therapist, and learning effective coping strategies are some ways to help alleviate distressful symptoms of post-divorce trauma, and ultimately lead to the path of recovery and healing.