令人愉快的活动调度,也称为行为激活,是一种经常用于治疗个体的治疗技术mental health conditionssuch asdepression。
How It Works
Individuals who are experiencing depression often isolate themselves. They may stop engaging in activities they previously enjoyed, and they may decline social invitations.
But therapists don’t just assist clients in picking a random fun activity. Instead, they help clients identify their values. They rank how important specific values are to them such as work, education, volunteering, intimacy, family, friendship, spirituality, entertainment, and health.
Then, the therapist assists in gathering concrete activities that support these values. Someone who values friendship, for example, might enjoy having coffee or watching movies with a friend. Once concrete activities are identified, the therapist encourages the client to schedule some of these activities that are important to their values.
Next, they review the results with the therapist and determine a course of further action. Clients who found the activity helpful in boosting their moods may continue scheduling it. Those who didn’t find the activity helpful may work with the therapist on finding other ones that may boost their moods.
- The act of scheduling an activity may give the individual something to look forward to. As soon as they make plans, they may experience a boost in mood.
- 然后,当他们从事活动时,他们可能会遇到一个更明亮的情绪,这可以帮助他们摆脱向下螺旋。
Pleasant activity scheduling has been around since the 1970s. Initially, it was incorporated into有限公司gnitive behavioral therapy。
But research indicates that pleasant activity scheduling can be an effective stand-alone intervention.
In fact, some individuals with severe depression may struggle to replace irrational thoughts—which is a key component in cognitive behavioral therapy. Additionally, addressing their unhealthy thoughts may actually increase their feelings of guilt (a common symptom of depression).
Therefore, pleasant activity scheduling may be an even more effective way to improve mood when it’s used as a standalone intervention for depression.
Here are some other things research reveals about pleasant activity scheduling:
- It’s effective in group settings.2019年的研究发表在Behavioral Therapy有限公司ncluded that “behavioral activation delivered in groups produces a moderate to large effect on depressive symptoms and should be considered an appropriate front-line treatment option.”
- 它可能会帮助您戒烟。A 2020 study发表在Addictive Behaviors发现行为激活降低了戒烟的个体中的复发率,因为抑郁症往往是让难以困难的因素。愉快的活动调度在减少抑郁症状时有效,同时还增加了个人成功吸烟的机会。
- 对于某些人的其他类型的治疗可能更有效。具有终身抑郁症的个人,药物滥用问题,痴呆和严重抑郁症可能对认知行为治疗的认知组分可能没有良好反应。2009年的研究发表在Behavior Modification发现这些同一个人可能在他们从事愉快的活动安排时从症状中遭受救济。该研究还发现它可以优于治疗抑郁症的帕罗西汀(抗抑郁药物),因为它导致较少复发和复发,可能是更便宜的,并且没有与药物相关的风险。
The overwhelmingly positive studies on pleasant activity scheduling have helped make it an evidence-based treatment. It’s used by many practitioners who are looking to improve the mental health of their clients.
Pleasant activity scheduling is customized to each client. While the therapist assists the client in identifying the activities they want to engage in, it’s up to the client to make the decisions on what they want to do and when they want to do it. Here are a few examples of how pleasant activity scheduling may be used in treatment:
- A man developed depression after being laid off from his job. He spent his days at home watching TV and had little social interaction. His therapist helped him identify ways to increase his social interactions. He agreed to locate and attend one networking event each week. He also began meeting with a family member for coffee every morning. Increasing his social activity helped him feel happier and more hopeful about the future.
- A woman experienced depression for many years. She struggled with low energy, and consequently, she stopped going to the gym even though her health was important to her. She worked with her therapist on identifying some activities she was willing to try like going on a hike with friends. She scheduled one activity per week for a month and found that her mood slowly began to improve.
- 一名大学生报告在学院的第一年期间感到沮丧。他的治疗师发现他独自在他的宿舍里度过了很多时间。治疗师询问了他曾经享受的活动,发现他在高中时参与了他的教会。客户同意参加当地的教会服务。在几周后参加后,他发现他的情绪逐渐变得更好。
- A manager was given permission to work remotely. Initially, she liked the flexibility of working from home. But within a few months, she grew depressed. Her therapist helped her identify activities that could help her feel connected to the outside world. She began walking every morning, working from a coffee shop two afternoons per week, and attending the gym three evenings per week. Her symptoms of depression decreased as her social engagement increased.
A Word From Verywell
If you notice some mild symptoms of depression, you might find adding some pleasant activities to your regular routine helps you manage your symptoms. If, however, you’re struggling to feel better on your own, talk with your physician or consult with a therapist
你可能find a therapistwho encourages behavioral activation to be quite helpful in boosting your mood and helping you feel better.