Whether we come through the doors of酗酒者匿名或者Al-Anon家族团体机会我们带来了一生的“臭思想”。坦率地说,“雾”开始举起,所以我们开始更清楚地看到自己和世界各地的世界。
If we have sincerely completed the first three steps and have truly made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him, then it is time to put that principle into action. We must find the courage to take a fearless look at ourselves and become willing to clean up the garbage we find.
In order to proceed, we must identify the problems and get a clear picture of how our behavior affected ourselves and others around us. That picture is not always in focus for newcomers early in recovery, but as we continue to hang around the rooms, listening and learning from others, and keeping an open mind, we find more layers of the "onion" being peeled away.
We are not perfect, and never will be in this life. That is the reason there are no graduation services heldat 12-step meetings!!但如果我们继续参加,携带信息对别人来说,并听取他们必须分享的东西,我们可以继续成长并进行精神进步。这就是为什么他们说,“继续回来!”
在线第4步指南包括彻底的一套方向explaining how the guide works and a reminder that an inventory is simply a list: "Please keep in mind that the Fourth Step is not dealing with changing anything. An inventory doesn't change things, it simply lists things. Your inventory is only a story of your feelings and acts from the beginning until now."
The online 4th Step Guide is of course just a suggested guide that is intended to be helpful to those doing an inventory. It is not intended to be shared with anyone, it is for "your eyes only," according to the directions.
除了在线指南外,Al-Anon家族团体还有它的Blueprint for Progress: Al-Anon's Fourth Step Inventory工作簿可以是在线订购。
但是在做步骤4中的最大帮助可以从大于自己的力量获得,作为游客bulletin boardhave demonstrated in their shares on this step, as our研究12个传统and 12 Steps continues:
I was told by my Sponsor that all I had to do was workthe first stepto it's fullest, keep attending meetings, do what I was told, and the rest will come in time. By doing this I was in some manner working on taking the 12 steps, and it was well over a year before I ever missed a meeting.
我意识到我更好地走上12个步骤,终于来了参加这么多的会议I knew who I wanted to help me with the steps. This very good friend of mine chaired a lot of 12 step meetings, (classes) which I started to attend. I went along just fine until I came upon the 4th step and I hit a wall.
I felt real bad about so many things that I had done in my life, that it seemed impossible to get all of this inventory down right. Finally, one day I was sharing this with my sponsor and he smiled and asked me where I was going. He told me to do the best that I can at this time and I will have plenty of time to do the rest. He told me not to be beating up on myself, (keep it simple) and this is just what I did.
I see now why I must do this and continue to do so. My mother wasan alcoholic并在49岁去世,我的兄弟是酗酒,并在48岁去世。四十七来找我,我不去。看着过去让我多于努力了解为什么我嫁给了酗酒者。
这一步很难 - 这个步骤可能是痛苦的 - 但我只要求你这样做。一天一小时不是那么多的时间,写出答案,对自己诚实,如果这种痛苦进入你的心脏,请记住上帝和你在一起。还记得我们在这里彼此。
Step 4: A Journey
一旦我完成了这一切,我已经准备好了第4步。我的赞助商翻了了我Hazelden guides, but I couldn't do it that way. Then I attended a meeting one Friday night, largely attended by people rumored to be the graduates of Chicago AA boot camp (the dreaded residences). A woman stormed in, angry at some event that had just occurred, and made her comment, which included this: "If you are working the 4th step, the best way to do it isthe way the Big Book explains it。" Now why this stuck with me I don't know, but I decided to try it. And I found that yes indeed, this was the best way for me.
Then a friend in the program invited me toACOA会议。I went to that meeting, and after only 10 minutes the brick wall had fallen down. I resumed writing my 4th step and completed it in just another week. ACOA had opened my eyes about many things that I had suppressed.
With my 4th step completed, I was ready (or so I thought) for Step 5.