When dealing with the media, thetraditions of the 12 step programs请求成员保持匿名,对他们的保护并不是那么多,而是为了整体奖学金的利益。
传统11Alcoholics Anonymous(AA)说,“我们的公共关系政策基于吸引力而不是促销;我们需要始终在新闻,广播和电影的水平上保持个人匿名。”Al-Anon包括加法,“我们需要特别关心所有AA成员的匿名。”
Not Using Full Names or Naming Groups
When discussing their personal recovery with the media, members who are identified by their full names—such as the case of those who are already well known in the media—should not also identify the specific name of their 12-step recovery group. If members wish to discuss the benefits of membership in a specific 12-step group, such as Al-Anon or Alcoholics Anonymous, they then should not identify themselves except by first name only.
例如,如果John Doe在面试中使用他的全名,他不应该命名他的恢复组。他可能只是说他在“恢复团体”中。如果他想按名称讨论al-Anon或AA,他应该只认为自己只是约翰D.
这种匿名是为了奖学金的利益,而不是保护成员的身份。这个例子是一个着名的运动员或电视人格 - 一个用于青年的角色模型 - 谁恢复并宣布了AA拯救了他的生活。如果那个人复发会发生什么?孩子们会认为AA没用,当他们需要寻求清醒时,不太可能寻求它。
But Tradition 11 was also developed by thefounders of the 12 step programs为了避免其他潜在的破坏性情况。
Promotion Not Needed
Attraction, Not Promotion
The purpose of 12-step groups is for one member to help another and to be responsible for being the attraction to the program. A member does not cede this responsibility to a spokesperson or promotion campaign.
Althea notes, "By changing our appearance, how we communicate, dress, and conduct ourselves in and out of the rooms of AA—that's part of carrying the message also, to let people see the difference that this design for a living we were given has worked in our life. When people see the four changes in our life—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—they are attracted. They need no promotion. This is a program for people who want it. Let's not let others tell us what they think we are about. Let's just be ready when the suffering alcoholic is ready to open the door and show him what we are."
Protecting the Anonymity of AA Members
Al-Anon member Lin notes that anonymity is what makes people feel safe to speak what's in their hearts and on their minds. "The fact that it's based on attraction to me means people can see the outward change of you due to an inward change in you." She values the part added to theAl-Anontradition of protecting the anonymity of the AA member. "If you know a particular person drinks because their relative is at a meeting you don't need to tell it. That's why the anonymity works."