Step 12:"Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs."
最后的12步is to carry the message to others and to put the principles of the program into practice in every area of your life. For those in recovery programs, practicing Step 12 is simply "how it works," as the founders of the fellowship discovered for themselves in those early days.
作为history of Alcoholics Anonymous所以明确表明,它与其他人仍然遭受的人保持账单,鲍勃博士清醒。相同的原则对于12个步骤组的所有成员来说是正确的:“保持你必须放弃它。”
- 我们承认我们无能为力 - 我们的生活变得无法管理。
- Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
- 决定转向我们的意志,我们的生活在我们理解他时对上帝的照顾。
- 做了自己的寻求和无所畏惧的道德清单。
- 承认上帝,对自己和另一个人是错误的确切性质。
- 完全准备好了上帝去除角色的所有这些缺陷
- 谦卑地要求他消除我们的缺点。
- 列出了我们受到伤害的人,并愿意为他们弥补。
- 尽可能地直接修改这些人,除了何时这样做会伤害他们或其他人。
- Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
- 祷告和冥想寻求与上帝的有意识的联系,因为我们理解他,只祈祷对我们的意志和携带这方面的力量。
- 由于这些步骤的结果,我们试图将此信息携带到酗酒者并在所有事务中练习这些原则。
在al-Anon.,第十二步读取“尝试将消息携带到”其他“”Alcoholics Anonymous它说“对酗酒者”。但原则是一样的。为了工作所有12个步骤,您必须尝试帮助他人。
但第12步也呼吁各位议员放在他们发现的精神增长 - 不仅在团契内,而且它的生活各个方面。它需要在所有事务中练习这些原则。
This too is doing 12th step "work" and makes the program work as one of attraction and not promotion. For many in the 12-step fellowships, working the 12th step is simply how it works.
Step 12 allows people who have worked the program to work with others who are still struggling, which benefits both the person in recovery as well as those who are still going through the program. Being of service to others can:
- 提醒你恢复的早期日(以及为什么你这么难地努力走过那个阶段)
- 让您保持责任并阻止您在恢复中变得自满
- Give you a sense of purpose
- Enhance your fellowship with others
- 激励别人留下清醒的道路
- 帮助为恢复别人提供洞察力
- Allow you to become a trustworthy person for someone in recovery
- 做咖啡
- 评论期间发表讲话
- Say "yes" when asked to do service work or speak at a meeting
- 提供乘坐那些不去会议的人骑行
Follow-up is also an important part of a 12th-step call. Calling the person in a few days to see if they might want togo to a meetingwith you shows that you are for real. A word of warning: Remember to carry the message, not the person with a substance use disorder.
As you go through the 12 steps, remember that addiction recovery is a lifelong journey that requires work and dedication. Working step 12 is a way to safeguard your own sobriety as you help others live a better, sober life one day at a time.
如果你或者你爱的人与substanc挣扎e use or addiction, contact theSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline在1-800-662-4357for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.
For more mental health resources, see our国家助理数据库。