


Images by Tang Ming Tung / Getty Images

Key Takeaways

  • 倦怠的感觉,焦虑和抑郁症是在一年导航全球大流行,集体创伤和平衡工作和个人生活的一年后的历史新高。
  • Taking a designated vacation can greatly benefit your mental health and replenish your energy reserves.
  • 只要你故意抽出时间就可以了,你甚至可以在自己的家中“度假”。

We could all use a vacation right about now. After a year of collective trauma, job insecurity or heavy workloads and astronomical amounts of stress, a little time to unplug and unwind could do wonders for the mind and body.

But the reality is that taking time off work doesn't always feel like an easy thing to do.

“我在我的课程中听到了'我没有持续一年多的假期,我不确定我是否可以服用一个,”“心理学家和执行教练说Marie-Helene Pelletier, PhD,MBA。



"We need to broaden our definition of vacation," Pelletier says. "The need for a break is critical for our well-being, our mental health, and if we really want to be work-focused, it is also critical to ensure our brain functions optimally from a cognitive perspective, so we continue to maintain quality of work."


With the unrelenting stress of the pandemic and its impact on work, feelings of burnout are on the rise. More than ever before, individuals are feeling exhausted, cynical, and less capable at work.

A最近的民意调查从求职网站确实透露,52%的受访者在2021年感到烧毁。这比大流行前的投票率增加了9%。受影响最大的是千禧年和Z Z类别中的个人,分别有59%和58%的报告经历倦怠。


Excessive work without periods of recuperation and opportunities to engage in rewarding activities can lead to burnout or the development of mental health disorders.

- 斯科特·赫曼,博士

This heightened risk stems partially from fewer opportunities for real breaks or separation from a seemingly endless workload this past year.

"Excessive work without periods of recuperation and opportunities to engage in rewarding activities can lead to burnout or the development of mental health disorders," says斯科特·赫曼,博士, psychologist and educator atPritikin Longevity Center.


Redefining Vacation

不管你去哪里或你do, a vacation should provide: a break from normal daily life, a boost to mental and/or physical wellness, a life-enriching adventure or some combination of all three, says Estee Gubbay, travel advisor and author of "你的旅行遗愿清单:Enr的终极指南ich Your Life with Great Adventures and Unforgettable Memories."


Estee Gubbay,旅游顾问


- 旅行顾问Estee Gubbay

But you don't necessarily need to travel across the country to achieve these things—it could happen in the next town over. In fact, a staycation at a local hotel or even in your own home is a budget-friendly option that can still provide mental health benefits, Gubbay says.

And while longer vacations may give you more time to unwind, if you're disconnecting from work, filling your time with activities you enjoy and allowing yourself to truly relax, taking even just one day of paid time-off from the comfort of your home can still provide relief.

"You just have to be really intentional about that day," Gubbay says. "Have a real plan."

Planning Your Vacation

If you're just getting started on planning your vacation or staycation, Gubbay suggests first asking yourself a question: What do I want to experience?

"I find that people don't ask themselves that the entire time they're planning a vacation," she says. "They say, 'Where's the best place to go?' or 'What are your top three favorite places?' And I say why do you care aboutmy前三个地方?首先决定你想要有什么样的经验,然后找到最好的地方。“

To do this, consider your hobbies and interests. If you're an active person, an outdoor adventure vacation or virtual yoga retreat might suit you. If you love to cook, look into destinations based on their local cuisine, or search for Zoom cooking lessons that bring a new experience to you.


如果整个家庭在这次旅行中,包括在这次谈话中的每个人 - 甚至,特别是孩子们。他们经常想出创意。




Vacation time allows us to recuperate from the stress of work and daily life. This year, it's especially important to prioritize some time to unplug and unwind, even if that's from the comfort of your own home.

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  1. 万博手机客户端心理健康美国。The state of mental health in America. Updated October 19, 2020.