An aptitude test is designed to assess what a person is capable of doing or to predict what a person is able to learn or do given the right education and instruction. It represents a person's level of competency to perform a certain type of task.
Aptitude tests are often used to assess academic potential or career suitability and may be used to assess either mental or physical talent in a variety of domains.
People encounter a variety of aptitude tests throughout their personal and professional lives, often starting while they are children going to school.
Here are a few examples of common aptitude tests:
- 测试评估一个人的s aptitude to become a fighter pilot
- A career test evaluating a person's capability to work as an air traffic controller
- 高中学生提供了一种能力测试,以确定他们可能擅长哪种类型的职业
- A computer programming test to determine how a job candidate might solve different hypothetical problems
- 旨在测试特定工作所需的人的身体能力,例如警察或消防员
Students encounter a variety of aptitude tests throughout school as they think about what they might like to study in college or do for as a career. High school students often take several aptitude tests that are designed to help them determine what they might want to study in college or pursue as a career.
These tests can sometimes give a general idea of what might interest students as a future career. For example, a student might take an aptitude test suggesting that they are good with numbers and data. Such results might imply that a career as an accountant, banker, or stockbroker would be a good choice for that particular student.
Another student might find that they have strong language and verbal skills, which might suggest that a career as an English teacher, writer, or journalist might be a good choice.
Unlike成就测试, which are concerned with looking a person's level of skill or knowledge at any given time, aptitude tests are instead focused on determining how capable of a person might be of performing a certain task.
那么从智力测试中究竟究竟做了什么是能力测试?许多智能测试旨在衡量所谓的general intelligence, or an underlying global mental capacity that affects performance in all areas.
Intelligence encompasses many different abilities including解决问题, reasoning, memory, knowledge, and ability to adapt to a changing environment.
另一方面,能力测试旨在测量比其更窄的能力范围IQ testsdo. However, some aptitude tests might have a very narrow focus that limits what they are able to predict. Other tests that look at multiple domains are much more similar to intelligence tests.
Special Aptitude Tests
Special aptitude tests are designed to look at an individual's capacity in a particular area.例如,希望雇用计算机程序员的业务将考虑候选人的工作历史和面试表现,但他们可能还希望管理能力测试以确定一个人是否拥有执行工作的必要技能。
Multiple aptitude tests are designed to measure two or more different abilities.在某些情况下,这种测试甚至可以在焦点和范围方面类似于智力测试。学术评估测试(SAT)高中生在高级学年期间采取的是一个多功能测试的一个很好的例子。
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