你有没有想成为一个psychologist? This can be an exciting career choice with a wide variety of specialty areas and opportunities. So what exactly do you need to do to become a psychologist? How long will you need to go to school? The steps below outline the basic process required to enter this profession.
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首先,重要的是要认识到,有许多不同类型的心理学家和教育,许可要求可以随着您感兴趣的专业领域而变化。一些不同的工作路径包括school psychology,工业组织心理学万博maxbetx官网登陆,forensic psychology,sports psychology和许多其他人。
For the sake of this article, let's assume that when you say "I want to become a psychologist," you are referring to the profession that utilizes the science of the mind and behavior to assess, diagnose, treat, and help people who are experiencing psychological disturbances. Of course, there are a number of different professionals that offer psychotherapy services, includingcounselorsandsocial workers。在这种情况下,我们将讨论心理学家的特定职业道路,在心理学博士学位。万博maxbetx官网登陆
注意,几乎所有关于exactl州法律y who can call themselves psychologists. In the state of California, for example, the designation of a psychologist is a protected term. In order to use this title, you need to have a doctorate degree in either psychology or education and also have passed the state licensing exams.正如您开始计划成为心理学家的道路,务必联系您的州,以规范心理学家标题的使用。
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Psychology is not necessarily a common course offered at most high schools, but increasing numbers are beginning to offerAP心万博maxbetx官网登陆理学classes. If your high school does offer some sort of psychology course, it would definitely be a good idea to add this class to your schedule. Having some background knowledge about general psychology can really be helpful during your first year of college.
当然,还有很多其他你可以在高中课程to help prepare you for your future career as a psychologist. A strong science background is a must, so sign up for as many courses as you can in topics such as biology, chemistry, human anatomy/physiology, and other life sciences. Statistics is a core component of any university psychology program, so having a solid background in mathematics is certainly helpful.
Beyond science and math classes, taking courses in history, philosophy, writing, religion, and language can also be beneficial. By learning more about human history and behavior, you can put yourself on the road to future success as you continue your psychology education. Finally, remember to maintain good grades in all of your courses. University admissions can be competitive, so it is important to have a strong GPA and great teacher references.
Tips for High School Students
- 采取AP心理学课程。万博maxbetx官网登陆
- Check if local community colleges offer college-level psychology courses for high school students.
- 注册科学,数学和人文课程。
- 考虑在学校开始一个心理学俱乐部。万博maxbetx官网登陆
- Look for volunteer opportunities in your community.
- 在你的初级年开始看大学。
- Get to know your teachers so that they will be able to offer good letters of recommendation.
- Get good grades and perform well on the ACT or SAT exam.
Earn Your Undergraduate Degree
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Once you have been accepted to the university of your choice, it is time to begin studying psychology in earnest. Before you begin your freshmen year, sit down with your academic advisor and come up with a four-year course plan covering all of the general education, psychology, and elective courses that you will need to graduate. While you may find yourself deviating from this plan due to various reasons, it can serve as an important road map as you work toward your ultimate goal of becoming a psychologist.
As you begin to learn more about psychology, you may find that your interests shift towards a particular specialty area (such as developmental, cognitive, or biological psychology). If you find that a particular area appeals to you, consider adjusting your course plan to include more elective classes in this subject area. Remember to keep your GPA high in order to prepare for graduate school.
Tips for Undergraduate Students
- Seek out research opportunities and participate in experiments whenever possible.
- Consider being a teaching or research assistant to gain experience and receive mentoring from your supervising professor.
- Maintain a high GPA. Psychology graduate schools can be very competitive.
- Take the Graduate Requisite Exam (GRE), including thePsychology Subject Matter test。许多研究生课程建议采取此次测试,并有人明确要求此测试进行入学。
- 早在新生年份开始看研究生课程,所以你可以肯定满足要求。
- Develop good relationships with your instructors so they will be prepared to write letters of recommendation for your grad school applications.
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The next big question you need to ask yourself is what type of graduate degree you plan to earn? The Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D.)大多数人在谈论心理学博士学位时,大多数人都会想到什么,但这不是你唯一的选择。万博maxbetx官网登陆您也可以选择赚取心理学博士(万博maxbetx官网登陆psy.d.。) degree. How do these two degree options differ? Typically, the Ph.D. degree tends to focus more on a scientific model and places a lot of emphasis on experimental methods and research. The Psy.D. degree is a newer option that focuses more on a practitioner model and emphasizes clinical work.
Tips for Graduate Students
- Volunteer to work with graduate faculty to find professional mentors and gain valuable experience.
- 保持你的成绩高。许多研究生课程都有最低的GPA要求。
- 考虑选择专业领域,例如童年障碍或药物滥用。
- Start planning your thesis or dissertation early.
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The specific requirements for licensing depend on the state where you live, so be sure to check state laws in the area where you plan to practice. In many cases, you will be required to complete a specific period of supervised residency work (often one to two years) after earning your graduate degree. Finally, you will then need to pass the required exams, which may include both oral and written components.