How Variable Interval Schedules Influence Behavior

A man looking at his phone and computer, sitting on a windowsill

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In operant conditioning, a variable-interval schedule is a加强时间表where a response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time has passed, which is the opposite of a固定间隔预算内le。该计划产生缓慢,稳定的响应速度。

As you probably recall,operant conditioning可以通过使用强化和惩罚来加强或削弱行为。该学习过程涉及形成与行为的关联和该行动的后果。

心理学家B.F. Skinneris credited with the introduction of the concept of operant conditioning. He observed that加强could be used to increase a behavior, andpunishment可以用来削弱行为。他还指出,行为加强的速度对响应的强度和频率产生了影响。


To understand how a variable-interval schedule works, let's start by taking a closer look at the term itself. Schedule refers to the rate of reinforcement delivery, or how frequently the reinforcement is given. Variable indicates that this timing is not consistent and may vary from one trial to the next. Finally, interval means that delivery is controlled by time. So, a variable-interval schedule means that reinforcement is delivered at varying and unpredictable intervals of time.

Imagine that you are training a pigeon to peck at a key to receive a food pellet. You put the bird on a variable-interval 30 (VI-30) schedule. This means that the pigeon will receive reinforcement an average of every 30 seconds. It is important to note that this is an average, however. Sometimes the pigeon might be reinforced after 10 seconds; sometimes it might have to wait 45 seconds. The key is that the timing is unpredictable.

Characteristics of the Variable-Interval Schedule

  • Very resistant to extinction
  • The rate of response is moderate but steady
  • 给出了加固后的最小暂停

Examples of Variable-Interval Schedules

  • Checking Your Email:通常,您在全天随机检查您的电子邮件,而不是每次传递单个消息时检查。关于电子邮件的事情是,在大多数情况下,您从不知道您是否会收到消息。因此,电子邮件在完全不可预测的时期偶尔滚动。当您检查并查看已收到一条消息时,它将作为检查您的电子邮件的加强队员。
  • 您的雇主检查您的工作:您的老板在整个办公室下降几次,以检查您的进度吗?这是一个可变间隔计划的示例。这些核对在不可预测的时间内发生,因此您从不知道它们可能发生的时间。当你的老板会流行时,你在整个一天中以相当稳定的速度工作的机会很好,因为你的老板会流行,并且当她确实停止时,你想看起来很忙和富有成效。在其中一个办理登机手续之后,您可以在恢复稳定的工作步伐之前暂停暂停并休息一下。
  • Pop Quizzes:Your psychology instructor might issue periodic pop quizzes to test your knowledge and to make sure you are paying attention in class. While these exams occur with some frequency, you never really know exactly when he might give you a pop quiz. One week you might end up taking two quizzes, but then go a full two weeks without one. Because you never know when you might receive a pop quiz, you will probably pay attention and stay caught up in your studies to be prepared.
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