转移-Focused Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder


Therapist talking with patient

Joe Houghton / Moment / Getty Images

Transference-focused席拉py forborderline personality disorder (BPD)is a心理治疗这侧重于使用您与治疗师的关系来改变与世界人民的关系。



Therapists who practice transference focused therapy for BPD believe that the key cause of BPD is related to dysfunctional relationships in childhood that continue to impactadolescent和成人关系功能。该理论是,通过与幼儿期间的护理人员的互动,我们培养了一种自我和别人的心理表征。如果在这一发展中出现问题,我们可能难以形成一个稳定的自我意识或者我们如何与其他人联系起来。

Because there is evidence that儿童虐待或早期的护理人员失去与BPD的风险增加有关,因为symptoms of BPDinclude significant problems in relationships and instability in sense of self, some experts have proposed that BPD needs to be treated by building healthier relationships through the use of transference.

What to Expect in Transference-Focused Therapy for BPD




Preliminary research supports the use of transference focused therapy for BPD. A randomized controlled study, one of the most rigorous forms of research, demonstrated that transference-focused therapy was equivalent to辩证行为疗法(DBT)in reducing some of the symptoms of BPD, such as thoughts of suicide, and was better than DBT in reducing other symptoms like impulsive behaviors or anger.

虽然这是对这种治疗的有效性初步支持的初步支持,但重要的是要注意这项研究的一个重大限制:患有转移的疗效治疗组的患者比DBT条件的患者接受了更多个体心理治疗。虽然可以将转移的疗法有可能与DBT更好减少BPD的症状, it is also possible that the improvements were due to the patients receiving more therapy. More research is needed to examine the success of this treatment.


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