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边界人格障碍症状包括不稳定interpersonal relationships, self-image, and emotion, as well as a pattern of impulsive behaviors. People with BPD often first experience these symptoms in young adulthood and the symptoms tend to continue for many years. BPD may occur in both men and women. The following signs and symptoms may indicate a need to be evaluated by a healthcare professional.


People with BPD tend to have difficulties in their relationships. In particular, people with BPD can be very sensitive to abandonment. They may believe they are being left by someone when that is not actually the case at all.




BPD.is often associated with patterns of very unstable and intense interpersonal relationships.一种模式在理想化和贬值之间交替in relationships is common, a process referred to as "分裂。“


In addition, a relationship with someone with BPD is commonly characterized by lots of conflicts, ups and downs, mistrust, neediness, and frequent arguments. In fact, a person with BPD often feels disappointment in or even hatred towards loved ones. They also have difficulty recognizing the feelings of others or empathizing with others.


The same instability in relationships can also apply to self-image or sense of self. A person with BPD may seem to believe that they are successful one moment, but the next may be extremely self-denigrating or hard on themselves. Their自我感觉也可能是不稳定的,这可能导致他们在不同的背景或社会群体中表现不同。



许多人展出了BPD的风险,冲动的行为, 如:

  • 消费斯普里斯
  • 有淫乱的性行为
  • 鲁莽地驾驶
  • 滥用药物或酒精
  • 暴饮暴食
  • Breaking the law (e.g., shoplifting)

反过来,这些冲动的行为往往导致关系,身体健康或或legal issues

自残or Suicide Behaviors

有些人携带BPD可能会从事自我伤害的行为,有些人制造自杀手势或尝试。这些实际上是separate问题;自我伤害行为是不是试图自杀。自我伤害行为(自残) are attempts to get rid of emotional pain or intensely uncomfortable feelings.


BPD的人也可能威胁自杀and may make suicide attempts. Such threats or attempts should be taken非常严重地。它认为,大约70%的患有边缘人格障碍的人将在生命期间至少进行一次自杀企图,并且近10%的人与BPD的近10%,该企图将成功。

If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact theNational Suicide Prevention Lifelineat1-800-273-8255用于培训辅导员的支持和援助。如果您或亲人在立即危险,请致电911。


Emotional Instability

People with BPD tend to have intense and frequent mood changes that usually occur in response to something happening in the environment. A person with BPD may go from seemingly content to feeling upset in a matter of minutes or even seconds. They may also experience intense negative feelings in reaction to day-to-day situations and/or intense sadness or irritability that can last for hours.






Stress-Related Dissociative States


If You Are Concerned About Yourself


寻找一个好的治疗师可以让生活与这种情况有关的人。当你认识到他们是什么时,现在可以通过更容易地应对困难的许多问题。一个好的治疗师可以帮助您发现您的触发器并帮助您开发healthy coping skills



Get our printable guide to help you ask the right questions at your next doctor's appointment.



If you are wondering whether a friend or family member may have BPD, keep in mind that help is available. That said, if you have watched your friend value and then devalue other friends, you may be wondering when it will be your turn. You may be worried that if you open your mouth, you will be the next one to be "devalued" and labeled the black sheep.

Take a moment to learn about how to cope when a loved one with BPD is "splitting."Family therapycan be very helpful. The important point to make is that BPD can affect anyone involved, and it's important to care for yourself as well as your loved one.

A Word From Verywell


If you think you may have BPD, it is important to查看持牌心理健康专业万博手机客户端谁可以倾听你的疑虑和make an accurate diagnosis。治疗with a good mental health professional can help both people living with BPD and their family and friends manage the symptoms and the underlying basis of the condition.

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process要了解有关我们如何检查的更多信息,请保持内容准确,可靠和值得信赖。
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  2. 国家心理健康研究所。万博手机客户端Borderline personality disorder

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