If you have a心爱的人和边缘性人格障碍(BPD),家庭治疗可能是传统的有用的补充治疗计划。对于那些有心理健康问题的家庭成员来说,常见的是他们所爱的人的症状而感到不知所措,并且经常需万博手机客户端要帮助理解他们如何应对。通过涉及治疗的整个家庭,可以通过赋予家庭能够以更有效的方式努力更好地管理BPD。
The Basics of Family Therapy
Family therapy is different than the traditional kind of psychotherapy that most people are familiar with. Rather than just one person and their therapist, family therapy involves the whole household working together with one or two therapists. This form of treatment typically involves the parents or siblings but can also include extended groups when appropriate.
如果有BPD的人对您的家庭日常生活产生负面影响或者您认为您的家庭的行为可能恶化BPD症状,则为您可能是一个选择。有时这两个问题互动 - BPD症状损害家庭功能和家庭功能差使得BPD症状更糟,创造了一个痛苦的循环,使每个人都更困难。
Does It Work?
Other Types of Treatment
与桶是一个相对困难和马ke you feel helpless; joining programs like Family Connections can provide you with strong support and resources to help you manage.
You can learn more about the Family Connections program from theNational Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder。
In addition to Family Connections, a variety of similar programs are available. For example, the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) offers the "家庭到家庭“计划, which is similar to Family Connections but offers support to families coping with other kinds of major mental illnesses as well. You may even find a program or support group at a local hospital—you can try searching their website or call to find out if they offer services for families.
Finding Family Therapy
It is definitely not easy tofind a family therapist和a specialty in this area for BPD, but it's becoming more common. Start with your loved one's current therapist and ask for a referral to someone who does family therapy. You may also check with your health insurance company to see whether they have referrals and whether the cost of this type of treatment will be covered.
你也可能想要尝试American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy’s therapist referral site。