边缘型人格障碍is a complex mental illness that affects both men and women. Along with strong emotions and feelings, people with BPD can also experience intense anger, known asborderline rage. 如果你的家人或爱人患有BPD,了解暴力与BPD的关系以及如何处理暴力是很重要的。
Impulsive behavior,包括身体攻击,是diagnostic criteria for BPD, even though someone can meet criteria for the disorder without demonstrating this symptom.
有几个原因可以解释为什么患有BPD的人在人际关系中更有可能使用暴力。首先,患有BPD的人本身往往是暴力的受害者,比如通过暴力child abuse。虽然这不是真的对所有人来说,很多人with BPD may have learned to use aggression to deal with strong emotions because adults modeled that behavior for them when they were young.
Finally, people with BPD often have difficulties with impulsive behaviors. When they are experiencing strong emotions that are typical of the disorder, they may do things without thinking about the consequences. If they engage in violence, it is usually not planned. It is an冲动行为在最热的时候做的。
The information above only provides general information about the link between borderline personality disorder and violence; it is not possible to predict whether one particular individual with BPD will be violent. If your loved one has not shown any violent tendencies or aggression, it is quite possible that they won't be violent. Many individuals with BPD never commit any aggressive acts during their lives.
如果你感到受到威胁,即使没有发生暴力事件your relationship,你应该认真对待。如果你已经感到不安全,情况有可能升级到暴力的程度。
一旦你有了安全感,你最好的办法就是你们两个都去寻找professional helpthrough therapy with a therapist specializing in BPD. This may help you figure out whether the relationship can be improved and may prevent violence from happening in the future.
Therapy can also help you decide whether this is a relationship worth saving. The therapist can also recommend a course of treatment to help your loved one get on the path to recovery.
Safety Plans
Having a diagnosis of BPD not only may increase the risk of violence against others but against self. Self-harm is a common issue for many individuals living with BPD.
If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact theNational Suicide Prevention Lifelineat1-800-273-8255寻求训练有素的顾问的支持和帮助。如果你或你所爱的人有紧急危险,打911。
有关更多心理健康资万博手机客户端源,请参阅我们的National Helpline Database。
一些治疗师建议人们填写一份safety plan for borderline personality disorder. 这个安全计划不仅有助于准备可能的暴力或自杀想法,而且可以帮助你确定触发因素in your daily life.