学会了无助is that state when an animal is repeatedly subjected to an aversive stimulus it cannot escape. Eventually, the animal stops trying to avoid the stimulus and behaves as if it is utterly helpless to change the situation. Even when opportunities to escape are presented, this learned helplessness prevents any action or initiative on the animal's part.
Learned Helplessness in Children
学会了无助can begin very early in life, even at the infant stage. Institutionalized infants , as well as those suffering from maternal deprivation or inadequate mothering, are especially at risk for learned helplessness due to the lack of adult responses to their actions. It is also possible for mothers who feel helpless to pass this quality on to their children.
学习的无助性可能导致焦虑和/或沮丧。Your child may develop the expectation that future events will be as uncontrollable as past ones. Essentially, your child may feel that there is nothing he can do to change the outcome of an event, so he tells himself he might as well not even try.
For example, if a child studies for an exam and still receives a poor grade, he may feel he has no control over his performance, so he might decide to give up participating and studying altogether. He may then generalize these feelings to other aspects of his life and lose the动机为了取得成功,因为他认为他的成功摆脱了他的控制权。
症状of learned helplessness may include:
- Passivity
- Giving up
- Procrastination
- Decreased problem-solving ability
- Frustration
- Lowself-esteem
Hope for Relief From Feeling Helpless
In one study of simulated learned helplessness, participants who received a therapeutic intervention following an unsolvable task were more likely to be successful at completing a similar follow-up task than the group who did not receive the therapeutic intervention.
Getting Help
It is important to know that not all children react to uncontrollable events with learned helplessness or沮丧。某些生物和心理因素可能会增加孩子体验学会无助和/或抑郁的可能性。
如果您认为您的孩子可能会沮丧,或者显示学会无助的迹象超过几周,最好拥有他evaluatedby a professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
- "It seems like you feel discouraged by doing poorly on your test after all the studying."
- “当你是别人的好朋友时,它可能会感到压倒,他们不会回复你的帮助。”
- “你对你没有为你锻炼的事情而感到沮丧和孤独。我们怎样才能在一起搞定?”
- "You want to give up or put off tasks when things are too hard. That makes sense to me. I'm here for you and can help you when you need it."