Jo Yurcaba
University of North Carolina, Chapel HillHighlights
- Freelance writer specializing in mental health
- Copy editor for health care providers and hospital blogs
- Trained Safe Zone facilitator, working to make schools safer for LGBTQ+ youth
As someone with chronic depression and anxiety, I know mental illness well. For a long time, I felt alone, especially as an LGBTQ+ person growing up in the rural South. In my work, I hope to provide information to other people who might feel alone, because Managing your health isn't easy, and it's OK to need help.
Jo Yurcaba is a freelance journalist specializing in politics and health. They often focus on mental health, LGBTQ+ health, and maternal health. Their articles have appeared in ELLE, Woman's Day, Marie Claire, Well+Good, The Muse, Bustle, Romper, Rewire.News, Motherly, and more.
Jo's work often focuses on disparities in health care, particularly among women and the LGBTQ+ community. They are an active volunteer with their local pride group, which partners with local schools through its Safe Zone program to train teachers and administrators on issues affecting LGBTQ+ youth.
Jo received a BA in journalism and philosophy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Verywell Mind Editorial Process
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