


Gerard Ferry / EyeEm/盖蒂


  • 大流行对无家可归者庇护所的影响突出了住房和公共卫生之间的联系。
  • 在努力包含Covid-19的传播,许多城市暂时暂时暂时让人们在酒店中遇到无家可归者。专家希望它能够发出重要的转变,城市如何帮助支持那些无与伦比的人。

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, there was another epidemic in the United States: In January 2019, an estimated 567,715 people experienced无家可归


"The pandemic really just shows the importance of housing for health and that you really can't have a healthy society when you have half a million people or more who are homeless," says Dr. Kelly Doran, MD, an emergency physician and assistant professor at the NYU School of Medicine.



"Earlier on in the pandemic...somebody would come in with a cough, and you didn't want to send them back to the shelter because that would potentially expose a lot of people," she says. "Then the subway shut down, which added just another layer of challenge because a lot of people who are homeless, they sleep in the subway because they feel that that's the safest option for them."


"Earlier on in the pandemic...somebody would come in with a cough, and you didn't want to send them back to the shelter because that would potentially expose a lot of people."

— Kelly Doran, MD

As of May 31, the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) in New York City reported 926 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in about 179 shelter locations, according to analysis from the Coalition for the Homeless. "As of that date, DHS had reported 86 deaths of homeless people due to COVID-19," the Coalition wrote. "In the month of April alone, 58 homeless people died of COVID-19, the vast majority (54) among homeless people living in shelters."


It caused "tremendous stress and anxiety," he says in a message via Twitter. "After public outcry, DHS allowed residents of their shelters to stay in dorms, except for 3 hours a day for cleaning; soon it gave up those 3 hours too," he says. For two weeks in March, he says there were also shortages of food at soup kitchens and shelters.

In response to a question about how he has been coping with the situation in New York City, he says, "How I feel is determined by my situation. What I do about it is try to improve it. I don't have much success, but I live indoors, unlike others."

The Role of Systemic Racism





“住房隔离的整个历史和歧视of African Americans in this country are really what has led to African Americans being 13% of the general population, and over 40% of those experiencing homelessness at any given time."

- Bobby Watts,MPH

People of color are much more likely to work in fields that are considered high risk during the pandemic, like the hospitality and service industries and public education. "They're more likely to be exposed, more likely to live in denser housing and denser neighborhoods, more likely to take public transportation and not go to work in a private car," Watts says.

所有这些因素和更多住房的隔离,都无法获得良好的素质教育,在较低工资工作中工作,更有可能由于种族主义而与执法进行互动 - 增加无家可归的风险。“所有这些都会导致健康状况不佳,非洲裔美国人和美洲原住民的过度代表,以及那些经历无家可归的人,以及卫生成果,特别是与Covid有关,”瓦特说。


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield signed a declaration ordering the suspension of evictions if the tenant can't afford to pay rent due to financial hardship caused by the pandemic. The declaration is in effect until Dec. 31, 2020.



最有争议的危险风险的人是较低工作的人们的低工资工作,LGBTQ +人—particularly变性人who are more likely to live in poverty—people with poor mental health, and those with物质滥用问题。巴尔说,这些人可能无法获得大量支持。“对我来说,他们将如何推翻坚定的楼主,他们想让他们出去,”他说。




"What you don't want to do is have a huge new influx of people into already stressed service systems where it's now more difficult to meet face to face because of the burden of the pandemic," Barr says.


Doran says she would like to see those efforts turn into a push for permanent housing, and in some areas, they have. In the Bay Area, California Gov. Gavin Newsom distributed grants to help cities buy hotels and apartment buildings and convert them into long term housing for people experiencing homelessness.



"The way you keep people housed is by building affordable housing and paying them enough money to be able to afford it."

- 尼古拉斯巴尔,博士





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