How Online Dating Affects Mental Health and Behavior


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In these times, almost everything, from grocery shopping to our therapy sessions, is done online. The global pandemic that set upon us in 2020 moved even more of our lives and interactions with each other to the virtual platform and further increased our screen time.



最受欢迎的基于滑动的约会App Tinder在全球报告5700万用户。估计,所有美国人的20%都在线约会。直到您认为大多数美国成年人都与之合作,这可能看起来像少数。

Only 30% of Americans are single (i.e., not married, cohabitating, or in a committed relationship) according to Pew Research Center.



Most online daters are between the ages of 18 and 34, with most falling between the ages of 18 and 24. There has been a recent 60% increase in those seeking to spark a virtual romance who are between the age of 45 and 55. The use of dating apps by those over 55 years old has doubled in recent years.




Forty-nine percent of online daters report looking for marriage while 47% report that they are specifically seeking casual sex.



Those individuals surveyed who denied using online dating stated reasons such as they are not looking for a partner at all which is the most common reason.


What People Look For On Dating Apps



Forty percent of users report that they have had at least one relationship that they would describe as “serious” with someone they met online.



Psychological Distress


Those daters who are seeking validation are more vulnerable and sensitive to rejections or are positively impacted by attention. Studies show that the pursuit of external validation, whether through online dating or social media correlate with emotional distress.

Poor Body Image

Online dating is also associated with poor body image or the use of unhealthy methods of weight loss such as laxative use or anabolic steroids.



How Online Dating May be Changing Mating Patterns

Those individuals who may have struggled with making connections in person or establishing romantic relationships with conventional dating appear to have an advantage within online dating.

Usage of this dating platform is higher among those who have社交焦虑那些有人autism spectrum disorder(ASD)。

Some researchers believe that the recent increase in the prevalence of ASD is due to greater reproductive success among those with the condition.




每年,这个人口负责50% of all sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and reports show that less than 50% of people use condoms during hookup encounters.

Online Dating vs. In-Person Dating


Hookups are heavily associated with alcohol use, with over 70% of women between the ages of 18 and 29 reporting intoxication at the time of a hookup. This has the potential negative consequences of alcohol related sexual behavior such as an increased risk of sexual assault. Meeting someone online significantly decreases alcohol use with partners and perceived level of intoxication among women.

There appears to be no difference in the likelihood of an initial encounter becoming a hookup when comparing couples who met online to those who met at a bar or party.





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