Erich Frommwas aneo-Freudian他提出了一种基于两个基本需要的人格理论:对自由的需要和对归属的需要。他建议人们发展某些人格styles or strategies in order to deal with the anxiety created by feelings of isolation. Of these character types, he suggested that four of them are unproductive orientations, while one is a productive orientation.
Fromm believed that character is something that stems both from our genetic inheritance and from our learning experiences. Some aspects of our character are hereditary. Other aspects stem from what we learn at home, from school, and from society. And of course, there is the interplay between the two influences.
Fromm also believed that people could exhibit the特点of more than one type and that personalities can be made up of a combination of different orientations.
The Receptive Character Type
The receptive type is characterized by a need for constant support from others. They tend to be passive, needy, and totally dependent upon others. These people require constant support from family, friends, and others, but they do not reciprocate this support. Receptive types also tend to lack confidence in their own abilities and have a difficult time making their own decisions. Individuals who grow up in households that are overbearing and controlling often tend to have this personality orientation.
The Exploitative Character Type
The Hoarding Character Type
The Marketing Character Type
The marketing type looks at relationships in terms of what they can gain from the exchange. They might focus on marrying someone for money or social status and tend to have shallow and anxious personalities. These types tend to be opportunistic and change their beliefs and values depending on what they think will get them ahead.
The productive type is a person who takes their negative feelings and channels the energy into productive work. They focus on building loving, nurturing, and meaningful relationships with other people. This applies not only to romantic relationships, but also to other familial relationships, friendships, and social relationships. They are often described as a good spouse, parent, friend, co-worker, and employee.
Out of the five character types described by Fromm, the productive type is the only healthy approach todealing with the anxietythat results from the conflict between the need for freedom and the need to belong.