Being ahighly sensitive person(HSP)不是一件坏事。它只是意味着你倾向于更深入地处理事情,例如线索,情绪和经验。你非常了解你的周围环境,并有一个敏锐的礼物picking up on subtle cues in your environmentthat others may not notice.
因为你可能会倾向于选择这些微妙的铜es and process those more deeply than other people do, it is not a surprise to think that you might feel overwhelmed during experiences that are not-so-subtle. Things like loud noises, drastic temperature change, crowds, or emotionally-charged situations can createdistressbecause your system becomes overstimulated. You might also find that you have a harder time healing after experiences that involve betrayal, loss, or拒绝.
Keep in mind that being an HSP is simply a way of being in the world. Many people who identify as an HSP may have had experiences in their lives of other people telling them that they are "too sensitive," or "can't let things go." These can be painful things to hear, especially from those we care about, and leave us feeling like we are misunderstood or, worse, weak or incapable.
AsElaine Aron, Ph.D., states clearly in her work with highly sensitive people, "There is nothing wrong with high sensitivity. Sensitivity is an advantage in many situations and for many purposes, but not in other cases. Like having a certain eye color, it is a neutral, normal trait inherited by a large portion of the population, although not the majority." Dr. Aron estimates that this trait of high sensitivity is found in 15-20% of the population.
Not sure if you would be considered a highly sensitive person? You can take aquizby Dr. Aron to learn more.
Asking for Help as a Highly Sensitive Person
As an HSP, you may have experienced situations and people who have left you questioning yourself, your perceptions, and your abilities. This is not a good feeling and can leave you feeling flawed in some way. We tend to shy away from letting people in, fearing betrayal, loss, or rejection. It can feel risky for an HSP to ask for help, no matter how much they feel challenged and might struggle at work, in their personal lives or in their relationships.
Starting Your Search
Although many people offer services as ahelping professional,寻找有适当的教育,培训和许可的提供者很重要。这将是精神科医生,心理学家,许可的治疗师和社会工作者。这些职业有国家董事会规定,尽管提供者差异很大,但选择由其州董事会正式培训和全体资助的人将让您知道他们在其所选领域达到具体标准。许多提供商在其网站或其他列表中提供此信息,但如果您无法轻易发现信息,请不要害怕向该人询问他们的凭据和许可。
Where to Look
Dr. Aron suggests that HSPs make a point of sharing enough information during their consultation or first session to gather information about how the therapist responds in session. Things to consider might include:
- Are they approachable and engaged in conversation?
- 他们似乎有富有同情心和理解吗?
- Do they allow you to share during the first session?
- 你发现他们有帮助吗ful insights?
- 他们是否允许您提出关于他们的培训或凭证的问题?
Allow Yourself Time to Decide
After speaking with a few therapists, take a little time to walk away and consider your options. Reflect on things like their interactive style, and even the environment of their office. It can be easy for highly sensitive people to second guess themselves or question their perceptions. Remember, you have a gift of reading cues well, so allow yourself time to reflect on the information you have gathered in your search, and make a solid decision of who might be the best fit for you.